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Psychological Wellness Workshops

The Counselling and Wellness Section (CWS) of the Student Affairs Office (SAO) has prepared various psychological wellness workshops for you to strengthen your intra-personal and inter-personal growth.


Take a look at the workshops we offer and register for those that sound interesting to you!

Phase 1: Registration will start on 15 Jan 2025.
Phase 2: Registration will start on 4 Feb 2025.

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2024/25 Semester 2 (Phase 2)

a) Unwind and Nurture Your Stress: !Inside Cards® X Pastel Nagomi Art


• Reflective discussion using !nside Cards®

• Mindful breathing exercise

• Art creation with Pastel Nagomi Art

• Sharing with artwork and cards

Date: 18 Feb 2025

Time: 15:00-17:00

Venue: BC304

Target: All PolyU students

Quota: 25
Medium of Instruction: English


b) Moving from Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) to Joy of Missing Out (JOMO)


• What is the fear of missing out (FOMO?)

• What is the joy of missing out (JOMO)?

• What are your own ways to embrace the JOMO in daily life?

Date: 4 Mar 2025

Time: 15:30-17:00

Venue: P306

Target: All PolyU students

Quota: 20

Medium of Instruction: English supplemented with Chinese


Register HERE! 

Registration Deadline: 14 Feb2025 noon  

Important notes:  

  1. Students on the waiting list will be notified of successful enrolment when vacancies are available.
  2. Workshops with enrolment number below 10 will be cancelled.
  3. Each workshop has a limited number of spots available, which will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, taking your priority into account.
  4. If you would like to deregister from a workshop after the registration period, please send us an email at least 1 working day prior to the commencement of the workshop. For those who fail to attend the workshop without prior notice, you will NOT be eligible to enroll in other workshops in that semester
  5. If you have any special requests, please contact us at
  6. Arrangements During Bad Weather: We follow the University’s guidelines on class arrangements during bad weather.  You may find relevant guidelines at the following website:
  7. For other 'points to note', please click this link.


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