Changes observed in the following area: | Examples |
General presentation |
Emotional manifestations |
Behavioural manifestations |
Academic manifestations |
Occupational manifestations |
Social/interpersonal manifestations |
If your students are exhibiting manifestations that are causing them distress, please refer them to a counsellor.
When dealing with students in distress, it is important to approach each situation flexibly, taking into account the unique background of each individual. The degree of urgency of the situation should be the primary consideration in determining the appropriate course of action.
A 'crisis' is characterised by a potential or reasonable suspicion that students are at 'imminent' risk of harm to themselves or others. It is important to recognise that there might be instances where students are at risk but does not require immediate intervention. To quickly assess whether a situation should be considered a 'crisis' and require urgent attention, consider the following questions:
- Is the student in immediate danger?
- Is the student at risk of harming themselves or others?
- Do you feel unsafe in the current situation?
It is important to first determine whether the student in distress requires immediate intervention. The answers to the above questions will help determine the appropriate course of action. The table below outlines specific actions to be taken in different situations.

If a student does not appear to be in immediate danger and does not require immediate action, but is clearly experiencing psychological distress, a referral may be made to the Counselling and Wellness Section (CWS) for counselling and emotional support.
Students may not be aware of the services provided by CWS and the potential benefits of ongoing counselling with a counsellor. They may also be unaware that their presenting issues are common concerns that are addressed in counselling sessions. Below are examples of common presenting issues raised by students during counselling sessions:
- Study-related issues: anxiety about academic performance, difficulty concentrating on studies, poor time management and ineffective study skills, etc.
- Future planning issues: career goals, transition issues around graduation, financial difficulties, job search anxiety, unemployment, work-life balance, etc.
- Emotional and psychological stress-related issues: depressed mood, anxiety, hyperactivity, inability to relax, low motivation, sleep disturbances, disordered eating, etc.
- Painful memories: traumatic experiences, domestic violence, childhood abuse or neglect, loss and grief, etc.
- Relationship issues: campus or cyberbullying, poor social skills, conflicts with peers or significant others, family issues, etc.
- Self-exploration issues: self-identity development, self-image, self-acceptance, self-esteem and confidence issues, sexual orientation, religion, gender, cultural identity, values, developmental milestones and maturation, etc.
It is often the case that students do not seek help until someone else encourages them to do so, including parents, peers, professors or staff. Early identification of symptoms and intervention can help reduce the duration of distress and prevent the escalation of issues. It is therefore important for staff to identify students in need and encourage them to seek counselling.
Please refer to the table below for the recommended process for referring a student in need to a counsellor.
- Promote mental health awareness:
Reassure yourself and your students that experiencing mental health issues is normal and common. Encouraging professional help is a wise choice.
- Focus on connection, not rescue:
Avoid taking on the emotional burden of the student's issues. Instead, engage the student and help them connect with CWS for professional help.
- Early referral is crucial:
Refer as soon as you are concerned about a student. Don't wait for a crisis to refer.
- Act immediately:
Engage the student and connect them with CWS while they are with you, rather than relying on them to make an appointment themselves, especially if they lack motivation.
- Seek support:
You don't have to handle the situation alone. Contact a CWS counsellor for advice and support.
- Consult when in doubt:
If you are unsure about how to deal with an emotionally distressed student, consider consulting a CWS counsellor before taking any action.