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News and Achievements

introduce PolyU teaching and learning on radio programme(1)

Prof. Kwok-yin Wong and Prof. Albert P.C. Chan introduce PolyU teaching and learning on radio programme

On Metro Radio’s programme “Life-Long Learning”, Prof. Kwok-yin Wong, Vice President (Education) of PolyU, and Prof. Albert P.C. Chan, Dean of Students of PolyU, introduced teaching and learning at PolyU and the support provided by the University for the all-round development and growth of students.   Prof. Wong said PolyU had been enhancing the undergraduate programmes in line with the needs of social development, including introducing the subjects “Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics” and “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” to meet future societal needs. Prof. Chan also introduced different admission schemes and support aimed at unleashing student potential.   Metro Radio programme  (27 June 2023 - Part 1: 10:30 - 29:51; Part 2: 00:00 - 29:37) 

25 Jul, 2023


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Student Affairs Office wins Silver Award at the Fair Trade School Awards 2022-23

Student Affairs Office received Silver Award at the Fair Trade School Awards 2023, in recognition of our engagement in a wide range of Fair Trade events and realisation of our visions in equity and sustainability by having shared related universal values and messages with students. We have helped the University achieve 12 out of the 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals with Fairtrade. The scheme has been organised by Fair Trade Hong Kong Foundation (FTHK) since 2016, aiming to recognise schools that contribute to nurturing a responsible and empathetic generation, particularly through Fair Trade education programmes. FTHK looks at three major criteria, including engagement level, uniqueness of the Fair Trade programme and sustainable impact of the Fair Trade education implemented in the school, to decide which level of the award is to be presented.

23 Jul, 2023


PolyU organises the Asian Universities Water Polo Invitational Tournament 01

PolyU organises the Asian Universities Water Polo Invitational Tournament with six participating teams from the Mainland, Japan and South Korea

The Asian Universities Water Polo Invitational Tournament, organised by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and sponsored by the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund, kicked off today. Six participating teams from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Japan and South Korea will compete for the championship in the four-day competition, strengthening the bonds between universities in Asia as well as promoting water polo and sportsmanship in the region. The opening ceremony was officiated by Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU, Prof. Ben YOUNG, Vice President (Student and Global Affairs) of PolyU and Mr Justin MONG of the Shun Hing Group and the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund. At the opening ceremony, Prof. Ben Young expressed his gratitude to all parties for their staunch support for the tournament, “It is our privilege to host the Asian Universities Water Polo Invitational Tournament, which provides a wonderful opportunity to foster the spirit of camaraderie and sportsmanship among our young people. PolyU has been promoting a vibrant sporting culture on our campus for many years. The Outstanding Sportsmen Recommendation Scheme which was established in 1998 has admitted over 1,500 elite athletes to various full-time undergraduate programmes. In addition, we offer the Elite Athletes Study Programme in partnership with the Hong Kong Sports Institute and participate in the Student-Athlete Learning Support and Admission Scheme to further support young athletes in achieving both academic and sporting excellence.” In addition to the PolyU Water Polo Team, other teams in the tournament include Juntendo University and Niigata Sangyo University from Japan, Korea National Sport University from South Korea, South China Agricultural University from Mainland China, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The six teams will play a preliminary round-robin in two groups from today to 6 July. The Gold Medal Match will be played between the top team of each group at PolyU’s Michael Clinton Swimming Pool on 8 July. Individual awards for Top Scorer and Most Valuable Player will be presented to players with outstanding performance, while scholarships will be awarded to all participating teams. The public is welcome to attend the Gold Medal Match. Please visit for further information.

4 Jul, 2023

Event Highlights

Flag Raising photo 1

PolyU holds flag-raising ceremony to celebrate the 26th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) today held a flag-raising ceremony on campus to celebrate the 26th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR). PolyU’s Council Chairman Dr LAM Tai-fai, President Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, Deputy Council Chairman Dr Lawrence LI Kwok-chang, University Court Chairman Dr Katherine NGAN, President Emeritus Prof. POON Chung-kwong, Honorary Court Chairman Dr Roy CHUNG Chi-ping, together with Council and Court members, University senior management, University Fellows, and around 600 distinguished guests, staff, students and alumni attended the ceremony, wishing the Nation and Hong Kong prosperity and stability. The ceremony was performed by the PolyU Student Flag-Raising Team. Dr Lam Tai-fai remarked, “Under the ‘one country, two systems’ principle, Hong Kong possesses the distinctive advantages of strong support from the Motherland and close connection to the world for the past 26 years. With the staunch support of the central government and the leadership of the HKSAR government, Hong Kong has achieved the transition from chaos to order and embarked on a new journey from stability to prosperity. By leveraging its research excellence and edge in nurturing talents, PolyU will fully support Hong Kong’s integration into national development while aligning with our country’s key national development strategies and seizing the corresponding opportunities. PolyU shall also spare no effort in cultivating leading professionals with a strong affection for Hong Kong, who will capitalise on their strengths for the betterment of the Nation and Hong Kong” Prof. Jin-Guang Teng said, “This year marks the 26th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR. Since the full resumption of normal travel between Hong Kong and the Mainland, Hong Kong has been proactively participating in the high-quality development of the Nation, leading us to a promising future. PolyU aspires to be an innovative world-class university with a strong sense of social responsibility, and provides the best holistic education to nurture ‘leaders of tomorrow’ who possess a strong sense of national identity. We will continute to forge partnerships with universities, research institutions, governments at various levels and enterprises in the Mainland, and connect our research capability to the needs of local industries to support the development of Hong Kong into an international innovation and technology hub while contributing to the Nation’s technological advancement.”

1 Jul, 2023

Event Highlights


Four PolyU students bagged the Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2023

PolyU students received the Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2023. Jointly organised by the Innovation and Technology Commission, HSBC, and The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the Innovation and Technology Scholarship aims to nurture and encourage students who not only have outstanding academic achievements, but also a strong passion for innovation and technology. It is hoped that, through the scholarship programme, recipients can widen their international/Mainland exposure and gain industry experience, as well as persistently pursue their dreams with their innovative ideas and help create positive changes to society. Our PolyU awardees are: KWOK Hin Chi, BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management SO Cheuk Yin, BSc (Hons) in Medical Laboratory Science TANG Killian, BSc (Hons) in Nursing WONG Sze Lam, BSc (Hons) in Property Management The Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Presentation Ceremony 2023 was held on 13 June 2023.  PolyU senior management and staff members attended the Ceremony to show their support to the awardees. Media Coverage: Hong Kong Economic Times Sing Tao Daily News Ta Kung Pao Hong Kong Commercial Daily China News Service

19 Jun, 2023

Student Achievements

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SAO website wins Silver Award at the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2022/23

SAO website received Silver Award at the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2022/23, in recognition of our efforts in adopting effective accessibility designs in our website. The Scheme is organised by the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC) and co-organised by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, with the Equal Opportunities Commission as the independent advisor. The Scheme aims to recognise companies or organisations that design accessible websites and mobile applications to building an inclusive society.

7 Jun, 2023


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Two PolyU students completed the Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassador Scheme

The Recognition Ceremony of the “Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassador Scheme” was held on 3 June 2023 (Saturday). Two PolyU students, Au-Yeung Kok Yi and FUNG Yeuk Shuen, participated and completed the Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassador Scheme. Through a range of experiential learning activities over the past six months, they gained deeper understanding of the lives of various communities and ethnic groups, and enriched their knowledge and experience of equal opportunities. The Scheme also fostered a spirit of diversity and inclusion among the participants. At the Recognition Ceremony, the Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassadors were presented with certificates. We wish that the students will continue to help spread the messages of diversity, equal opportunity and inclusion to their peers on campus.

3 Jun, 2023

Student Achievements

Strategic Planning Session with Students-5

Strategic Planning Session with Students

Effective communication with students is always vital for the advancement of PolyU. To prepare for the University’s Strategic Plan, which covers a six-year period from July 2025 to June 2031, a Strategic Planning Session with Students was held on 15 May 2023 in hybrid mode to solicit opinions from students. Council members were also invited to attend the session as observers.  During the session, President Teng provided students with the background to the process, explained the University’s current positioning and latest achievements, reviewed the implementation of various strategic initiatives over the past few years and outlined the key strategic goals for the next phase of university development. Thoughtful questions and suggestions were also raised by students, including those about financial support for student programmes and space allocation for student organisations, which are possible issues for further deliberation during later strategic planning stages.  

15 May, 2023

Event Highlights

PolyU constructs student hostel at Kowloon Tong-1

PolyU constructs student hostel at Kowloon Tong to promote students’ whole-person development

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has created an innovative, research-focused environment for students and faculty members, reflecting our excellent reputation for quality teaching and research that addresses societal needs. To help enrich the learning experience for our students and ease the shortfall of student residential places, PolyU will construct four multi-storey student hostels at Tat Hong Avenue in Kowloon Tong, providing an additional 1,680 student hostel places and outdoor recreational space for students. The new student hostel will attract outstanding non-local students to study in Hong Kong, thus helping to broaden the horizons of our local students. The hostel is targeted for completion by 2028. The hostel groundbreaking ceremony was officiated by Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU; Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President; together with members of the Council and the management. Prof. Jin-Guang Teng hopes that, with the completion of the student hostels at Kowloon Tong and Ho Man Tin, students will be given an opportunity to experience two years of hostel accommodation during the four-year period of their studies. He said, “Hostel life is an essential part of higher education and students’ holistic development. Apart from academic studies and extra-curricular activities, we hope our students will have a more fruitful university life through a wide range of group residential activities. Through bringing together students with same interest, hostel life can also help nurture research talents and young people who are excellent in sports, art and culture, leadership and community services and STEM.” The Kowloon Tong student hostel will be located on a slope on Tat Hong Avenue, with the four multi-storey buildings set to have nine to 15 stories with a total gross floor area of around 50,200 square metres. Pedestrian passageways, parking lots and student recreational facilities will mainly be located from the ground floor to the fourth floor; a public corridor connecting each building, shared spaces and some dormitory units on the fifth floor; and the remaining student dormitories on the sixth floor or above.

12 May, 2023

Event Highlights

PolyU Student Flag Raising Team Inauguration Ceremony 2023-24-1

PolyU Student Flag Raising Team Inauguration Ceremony 2023/24

PolyU Student Flag Raising Team Inauguration Ceremony 2023/24 was held on 11 May 2023 at Logo Square. More than 60 participants, including guests from PolyU Central Management Team, Deans, other staff and students, witnessed this significant occasion and showed enthusiastic support to the Team. Officiating at the Ceremony, Prof. Jin-Guang Teng, PolyU President, expressed his warmest congratulations to the members of the inaugural Student Flag Raising Team. He highlighted the Team's diversity and passion for community service, and emphasised that PolyU is committed to nurturing future leaders with a strong affection for the Nation and sense of social responsibility. Mr So Yan Ching Miracle, Chairman of the PolyU Student Flag Raising Team Committee, spoke of his hope that the Team would uphold a spirit of diligence, perseverance and patriotism through flag raising activities. Prof. Ben Young, Vice President (Student and Global Affairs), and Dr TL Yip, Acting Dean of Students, then presented appreciation certificates to those Team members who have been promoted to Advance Members, as well as certificates of Acknowledgement and Appreciation to Committee members.

11 May, 2023

Event Highlights

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