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Communication with Staff and Students


Orientation Info Day 2023

Communication with Staff and Students 01

At the President’s Welcome, held on 30 August 2023 at the Jockey Club Auditorium and via live stream in nearby lecture theatres, approximately 1,300 freshmen were welcomed into the PolyU family.

During the event, our President, Prof. Jin-Guang Teng, extended his warmest welcome to the new students and introduced the Senior Management Team together with all the Faculty and School Deans. The programme featured an inspiring sharing session by Mr James O Hing-pong, the recipient of the 2022 Outstanding PolyU Young Alumni Award in Entrepreneurial Achievement, Co-Founder and Head of Marketing and Advertising of GoGoX. In addition, new students were treated to captivating performances, including a student dance performance and a musical performance by the PolyU Orchestra and Choir.

The Orientation Showcase was arranged in the afternoon, featuring around 60 booths hosted by different PolyU administrative units, student societies and interest clubs. This allowed around 3,600 students to explore a wide array of co-curricular activities and services at PolyU, further enhancing their familiarity with the university.



President's Sharing Session with Students

Presidents Sharing Session

Two President's Sharing Sessions with Students took place on 27 October 2023 and 28 March 2024 respectively, demonstrating the University's commitment to continuous communication and engagement with students. Students actively participated, exchanged views and raised questions directly to the Central Management Team (CMT).

Our President, Prof. Jin-Guang Teng, shared updates on the latest PolyU developments and initiatives, while Vice President (Student and Global Affairs) Prof. Ben Young elaborated on the diverse range of student support services. The engaging Q&A session addressed campus access, non-local student support and study-related concerns. The CMT members listened attentively and provided thoughtful responses, reaffirming their commitment to understanding and addressing student needs.



Dialogue with Vice President (Student and Global Affairs)

Dialogue with Vice President Student and Global Affairs

Seven sessions of Dialogue with the Vice President (Student and Global Affairs) were conducted in the 2023/24 academic year, each targeting different student groups, including student leaders, postgraduate students and undergraduate students. The Vice President, Prof. Ben Young, together with SAO management representatives, had fruitful discussions with PolyU students. These sessions served as an essential platform for students to engage in open and constructive conversations with Prof. Young, expressing their concerns and sharing their experiences, while also providing an opportunity for management to engage and address these matters directly.



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