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Student Organisation Directory

Faculty / School / Departmental Associations


Students are automatically members of their respective departmental student society and Faculty / School Student Association.  The Associations altogether strive for the enrichment of university life, welfare and the interests of the students belonging to their corresponding faculty / school.


The 2024/2025 Ex-Com of the following affiliated student organisations are elected.

Faculty, School and Departmental Associations (25)

Faculty of Business

FB Student Association

Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies

LMS Student Association

School of Accounting and Finance

AF Student Association

Faculty of Construction and Environment 

FCE Student Association

Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering

BEEE Students' Society

Department of Building and Real Estate 

BRE Students’ Society

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

CEE Student Association

Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering

AAE Student Society

Department of Biomedical Engineering

BME Student Association

Department of Computing 

COMP Student Society

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

EEE Student Association

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering 

ISE Students' Society

Department of Mechanical Engineering 

ME Student Association 

Faculty of Health and Social Sciences

FHSS Student Association

Department of Applied Social Sciences

APSS Student Association

Department of Health Technology and Informatics


HTI Radiography Student Association

HTI Medical Laboratory Science Students' Society

Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

RS Occupational Therapy Student Society

RS Physiotherapy Student Society

School of Nursing

SN Student Association

School of Optometry

SO Student Association

Faculty of Science

FS Student Association 

Department of Applied Physics 

AP Student Association

School of Design

SD Students' Association

School of Hotel and Tourism Management

SHTM Students' Association

Note: the above official organisations only include those which have completed the affiliation process with the signing of the Undertaking document for Affiliation under the respective PolyU Hosting Unit.



Interest Clubs


Besides academic pursuits, students are encouraged to engage in leisure activities to foster a balanced university-life. At PolyU we offer a wide range of student-led interest clubs and societies that provide exceptional opportunities for personal growth and development. Participating in these clubs can be both enriching and educational. By developing new skills, broadening horizons and forming friendships with like-minded individuals who share similar talents, passions and interest, you can create a memorable chapter of your university life.


Full-time students who have signed up 2024-2025 membership during the Campus Life Festival in September 2024 are welcome to take part in the activities organised by the respective interest clubs. Connect with these clubs via Instagram (IG) or email. Some activities are also open to non-members, allowing for wider participation and engagement.

Performing Arts Division (6)

Other Clubs Affiliated with exemption (7)

Leisure / Religious Division (9)

Sports Division (8)

Note: the above official organisations only include those which have completed the affiliation process with the signing of the Undertaking document for Affiliation under the Student Affairs Office.


Non-local Student Associations


A number of student-initiated associations are established and affiliated with the Student Affairs Office (SAO) to engage and serve the non-local student community.  Non-local student associations not only provide a platform for students to make new friends and share their university experience but also act as a catalyst for nurturing an internationalised culture conducive to student integration. Extracurricular activities offered by these non-local student associations help foster cross-cultural friendships and exchange of ideas, contributing to a caring and fulfilling campus life for all students. 

Currently, affiliated with SAO we have eight student associations set up by non-local students:

Non-local Student Associations (8)

Chinese Mainland Student Association (Weixin ID: PolyUSAOCMSA)

International Student Association

Indonesian Student Association

Qazaq Student Association

Korean Student Association

Malaysian Student Association

South Asian Society

Taiwanese Student Association

Note: the above official organisations only include those which have completed the affiliation process with the signing of the Undertaking document for Affiliation under the Student Affairs Office.

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