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Section A - Compliance with Hall Regulations and Terms of Contract
  1. A student who accepts the offer of hall place will be bound by all terms and conditions on hall residence, Hall regulations or any other applicable and related Hall and University rules, regulations and policies.
  2. A hall resident and his/her visitor and a Hall Tutor, whether a PolyU student or not, upon residing in or visiting a hall premises, shall comply with Hall regulations, policies, terms and conditions on hall residence and where appropriate with the other regulations in the Halls and general regulations of the University, and with any reasonable request of the Warden or authorized representatives of the University.
  3. The Warden and the Student Resources and Support Section (SRSS) of the Student Affairs Office (SAO) reserve the authority to interpret the regulations stated herein.
  4. The SRSS reserves the right to stipulate and revise Hall regulations, policies, fees, terms and conditions on hall residence whenever necessary and appropriate.
  5. Any waiver or non-enforcement by the Warden or the SRSS on any clauses of Hall regulations shall not constitute exoneration of any subsequent breach of the same or any other terms or conditions of Hall regulations.
  6. The University disclaims any liability for the loss of or damage to personal properties incurred by any irregularities or malfunction of facilities beyond the control of the University.

A hall resident should

  1. comply with all Hall regulations, policies and terms and conditions on hall residence stipulated on the Hall homepage;
  2. reside with (a) room-mate(s) (or suite-mates in adjoining rooms) assigned by the Hall Administration without having advance notice;
  3. change to another room assigned by the Hall Administration whenever necessary;
  4. vacate the room and check out the Halls at short notice when consider necessary and appropriate by the University for health and safety consideration. The lodging fees paid for the affected period will be refunded in due course;
  5. upon termination of residence, remove all personal property and unwanted items from the room and complete the check-out procedure by 18:00 on the last day of the residential period. Any property found after the termination of residence shall be disposed of and the University disclaims any liability for the loss of or damage to such property. The resident is also subject to an administration fee for clearing unwanted items left behind.

A hall resident should NOT

  1. transfer his/her right of hall residence, or pass his/her key-card or PolyU ID card to any other person knowingly or out of negligence;
  2. exchange or swap rooms without proper approval from the Warden concerned or the Hall Administration;
  3. misbehave, or cause any disturbance or nuisance;
  4. cause a threat or damage to hall property which will infringe on the rights and interests of residents in the Halls and/or the neighbourhood, or endanger the health, safety, security and disrupt the orderly operation of the Halls. In such circumstances, the Hall Staff are entrusted with the authority to intervene and stop the misconducts right away.
Section B - Responsibilities to your roommate(s), suitemates and fellow residents

1. Health, Safety and Security Policy

A hall resident should

a. respect roommate(s) & fellow residents for personal and cultural differences;
b. help ensure the Halls are free from harassment and disturbance;
c. observe the Quiet Hours and Privacy Hours policies;
d. comply with the policy for visitors;
e. take all reasonable steps to ensure his/her PolyU card will not be used by any person other than him-/herself;
f. take all reasonable steps to safeguard his/her personal belongings and safety within the hall premises. The University disclaims any liability for the loss of or damage to any personal property or whatsoever beyond the control of the University;
g evacuate from the hall premises during the fire drill;
h. behave properly, and remain properly dressed and strive to maintaining a proper personal and environmental cleanliness and hygiene standard at all times within the hall premises including student rooms and all communal areas;
i. demand his/her visitor of opposite sex (any person other than the resident of the room) to use the communal toilets;
j. inform his/her Warden, tutor and/or the Hall Administration immediately when s/he has contracted any acute illness, (especially statutory notifiable diseases such as chickenpox, TB and other communicable diseases such as Hands, Foot and Mouth disease), or has been involved in accidents or situations that warrants the attention of the University.

A hall resident should NOT

k. visit or stay in the room of an opposite sex resident or let an opposite sex visitor stay in the room between 00:00 and 07:00. Violation of this regulation would result in a final warning or immediate termination of residence, subject to seriousness of the incident*. Other students involved in such violation shall also be subject to disciplinary actions as appropriate. If discussion or activities are required between the residents and visitors during the above period, they should stay in common areas in order not to intrude the privacy of fellow hall mates (*examples on cases considered as serious are those violating the Laws of Hong Kong, causing health, security and safety hazards to other residents, causing complaint of disturbance to other residents);
l. make or cause to make excessive noise, or disturbance of any form, including engagement in noisy games such as Mahjong or “Tin Jiu” (game of dominoes), that will infringe on the rights and well-being of other residents in the Halls and the neighbourhood, especially between 23:00 and 07:00;
m. tamper with the electric wiring system, smartcard controlled electric metering system, smartcard operated door lock in the room, CCTV system, fire sprinkler system (e.g. hang or attach anything from/to the sprinklers), firefighting equipment, Exit Doors and other facilities in the Halls;
n. post notice and obstacle of any form to prevent or deter the Hall Staff from entering into the room to execute official duties;
o. post obscene, indecent or objectionable materials in any form in communal areas. Such material will be removed by the Hall Staff immediately without notice. The Halls disclaims any liability for the loss of or damage to the removed material;
p. post obscene, indecent or objectionable materials on web;
q. attempt to or actually use electronic or other devices to make an audio or video record of any person without prior knowledge or consent, particularly when such a recording is likely to cause injury or distress to the subject(s)/viewer(s) of the audio or video record;
r. bully or force any hall-mate to do anything against his/her wish, including room change or room swap by any undue means;
s. engage in gambling of whatever forms within the hall premises, or permit such gambling to take place in his/her room;
t. engage in any commercial activities within the hall premises including but not limited to pyramid schemes, insurance selling or any businesses of a similar nature which will disrupt the normal life of residents and orderly operation of the Halls.;
u. use his/her room address as a commercial correspondence address or store goods in his/her room for commercial purposes;
v. obstruct the room doors, block the passage, or leave his/her room door ajar when nobody stays in room;
w. throw objects of whatever form from a height;
x. consume any kind of alcoholic drinks including, but not limited to, beer, within the hall premise. S/he shall be liable for any damages to hall properties or cleaning charges incurred by his/her misbehaviours under the influence of the alcohol;
y. bring onto hall premises, or possess/store the following items within the hall premises:
i. any dangerous drug as defined in Section 2 of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap.134);
ii. fireworks, firearms, ammunition or weapons of whatever form;
iii. highly combustible materials (e.g. burning of candles, incense) of whatever form;
iv. hazardous chemicals or flammable liquids;
v. intoxicating liquor or alcoholic drinks of any type;
vi. electrical cooking appliances of any form or high-power appliances (e.g. rice-cooker, heater, microwave, hot-plate, dehumidifier, stand-type air-conditioner);
vii. any bird, animal or pet of any form;
viii. non-hall registered shopping trolley;
ix. any properties belonging to the third parties outside the Halls;
x. any items especially bulky items which endanger health and safety of others and/or affect the daily operation of the Halls.

2. Policy on Harassment

PolyU is committed to ensuring equal opportunity, embracing diversity and eliminating any form of discrimination or harassment against all staff, students, and other persons who have dealings with the University. All stakeholders shall take necessary steps to ensure that the Hall community is free from sexual harassment.

a. Sexual Harassment

According to the Equal Opportunities Commission, it is sexual harassment if a person engages in any unwelcome sexual behaviour or conduct which is offensive, humiliating or intimidating. It may be sexual advances, requests for sexual favours or conducts in any form--physical, visual, verbal or non-verbal—and even a single incident may constitute sexual harassment. It also occurs if a person creates a hostile environment where there are actions, languages or pictures that are of a sexual nature that make others feel disturbed.

Details of the Policy on Sexual Harassment of the University
A Guide for dealing with Sexual Harassment

b. Racial Harassment

According to the Equal Opportunities Commission, it is racial harassment if a person engages in an unwelcome, abusive, insulting or offensive behaviour because of another person’s or his/her near relative’s race, which makes him/her feel threatened, humiliated or embarrassed. Racial harassment can be in any form—physical, visual, verbal or non-verbal—and even a single incident may constitute racial harassment. It also occurs if a person creates a racially hostile environment for another person because of his/her race. Racial harassment is unlawful.

c. If a hall resident has enquiry or want to report any alleged harassment cases happened in the Halls, s/he should:

i inform Security Control Room immediately to gather evidence; and
ii approach your Hall Warden or Hall Tutor immediately to seek advice.

d. If a hall resident feels being harassed, s/he may choose to

i. settle the case by conciliation via the approved conciliator of the University; or
ii. lodge formal complaint in writing to the Student Discipline Committee of the University direct, or via Hall Administration/ Hall Warden if the complaint is against a Hall Resident, or to the Chairman of the Grievance and Appeal Committee in the case of complaint against staff member.

3. Regulations Governing Hall Access

a. PolyU Card

i. The PolyU card includes PolyU student/staff ID card, Temporary Hall Smart Card, Visitor Card or any access cards issued by Hall Administration for access to the Halls. These cards are official documents of the University.
ii. The rightful holder of such documents is responsible for keeping the documents safe at all time.
iii. Under NO circumstances should s/he transfer his/her documents to any third parties for whatever reasons, knowingly or out of negligence.
iv. Once s/he is aware of the loss of such important documents, s/he should report to the Police, the Hall Administration and/or the Academic Registry.
v. Failing to report losses within reasonable time, the holder may still be liable for disciplinary actions for any improper use of the PolyU Card by a third party.

b. Hall Access

i. A hall resident should bring along his/her PolyU card for access to the Halls.
ii. Improper use of the PolyU card to get access to the Halls will jeopardize the security of the Halls. The original holder of the PolyU card, the unauthorized user and any other parties involved will be subject to disciplinary actions as stipulated in Section I, Clause 5.

4. Special Regulations for Minors

If a hall resident is under age 18, s/he should:

a. allow the University to inform his/her parents/guardian/next of kin in the following conditions:

i. emergencies;
ii. violations of Hall Regulations, policies and/or terms and conditions on hall residence;
iii. prolonged absence from study;
iv. change on residential status;
v. situations warrant attention of his/her parents/guardian/next of kin.

b. notify a Hall Tutor and seek verbal endorsement:

i. before 22:00 when s/he returns or leaves the hall after 23:00;
ii. before 22:00 when s/he applies for overnight stay of a visitor at the Halls;
iii. when s/he plans to stay overnight outside the Halls (need to provide a detailed address of his/her overnight stay);
iv. a day in advance when s/he leaves Hong Kong for whatever purpose. For non-local students, a written application should be submitted to Guardian of Non-local students under age 18, 7 days in advance for approval.
Section C - Responsibilities in Using Communal Areas and Facilities

A hall resident should

  1. bear in mind that the communal areas and facilities in a particular Hall are primarily for use by its residents;
  2. uphold the health, safety and security level of the Halls;
  3. engage in activities appropriate for the designed functions of the facilities and/or communal areas of the Halls;
  4. comply with the ground rules laid down by Warden and Tutors for the use of such communal areas;
  5. ensure the tidiness of the communal areas and facilities at all times;
  6. watch TV or perform other activities in an orderly and considerate manner in the communal areas;
  7. report to the Security Office if s/he has lost his/her properties in communal areas; and
  8. return any unattended property s/he finds in the communal areas to the Security Office. The lost properties will be kept in the Security Office for 3 months for the owners to claim back. The Hall Administration has the authority to handle the unclaimed lost property after that period.

A hall resident should NOT

  1. obstruct in any way any fire escape route;
  2. jeopardize the interests of other resident(s) of the hall because of his/her use of the communal areas unless prior approval is obtained from the Warden for his/her use;
  3. play any games inappropriately including but not limited to powder or liquid, air-gun, skating, cycling or any other forms of sports or activities which are inappropriate in the corridor, Lounge Area, Landscaped Garden or common areas, and which might cause potential hazard to the hall environment or endanger the safety of him-/herself or others e.g. other residents or neighbours;
  4. display or store any personal belongings without prior approval in any communal areas. Anything left unattended in the communal areas shall be confiscated without prior notice. The hall resident will need to pay an administration fee when claiming back his/her belongings within 3 working days. Any unclaimed items after 3 working days shall be disposed of without prior notice and the University is not responsible for the loss of or damage to such property;
  5. display, publish, distribute or broadcast any publication, programme, advertisement or other material not related to hall activities within the hall premises without prior permission of the Warden or the Hall Administration;
  6. deface, defile or damage any wall, surface or any structure of any furniture, fitting, fixture or facility in the communal areas;
  7. place personal rubbish or rubbish bins in communal areas. A hall resident may need to pay an administration fee if the Hall Administration disposes of these items for him/her. The University disclaims any liability for the loss of any items when it is not practicable to give prior notice.
Section D - Visitor Policy, Procedures and Hours
  1. A hall resident inviting visitor (i.e. who is a non-Hall resident) to the Halls should complete the Visitor Registration procedures, and comply with the Regulations Governing Hall Access. S/he needs to escort the visitor to register electronically at the pair-up reader, and accompany the visitor(s) in person at all times within the hall premises, including at the collection and return of Visitor Card at the Reception. The host resident will be held responsible for the conduct and safety of the visitor, or any charges or damages incurred by the visitor while s/he is in the Hall.
  2. The Warden and the Hall Administration reserve the right to prohibit a hall resident, visitor or any other person (including overnight visitor) from entering the Halls, or demand him/her to leave the hall premises at any time as and when necessary and appropriate. The Hall Administration reserves the right to report to the police if any person is found entering or residing in the Halls without approval or proper registration.
  3. Any visitor, who is not a hall resident, without permission of the Warden or his/her designate or the Hall Administration, should not enter the Halls before 07:00 and have to leave the Halls by 23:00, i.e. cannot stay in the Halls for the period between 23:00 and 07:00.

Registration Procedures for different types of visitors

Registration/Departure Visitors
PolyU student / staff Public Visitor (i.e. non-PolyU student/staff)
1 Collect a Visitor Card at the Reception Counter on G/F No need to collect a Visitor Card. Use the PolyU Student / Staff Card direct
  • The host resident is required to accompany the visitor(s) to the Reception Counter for registration.
  • The host resident is required to show PolyU card and the visitor to show ID card (e.g. HKID/passport) to the security guard for taking a proper record.
  • Both the host resident and the visitor need to sign when collecting the Visitor Card*
2 Register electronically at Pair-up Reader
  • The host resident to tap his/her PolyU student / staff card on the Pair-up Reader for registration.
  • Then the visitor to tap his/her Visitor Card or PolyU student / staff card on the Pair-up Reader for registration.
  • The process should be repeated if there is more than one visitor.
  • The host resident should accompany his/her visitor(s) to do the electronic registration at the pair-up reader in person.
3 Pass through the Turnstiles Tap PolyU Student / Staff Card or the Visitor Card on the Turnstile reader to gain access to student residential floors and when leaving the Halls.
4 Return the Visitor Card at the Visitor Registration Counter Tap the PolyU Student / Staff Card or the Visitor Card on the turnstile reader when leaving the Hall.
  • The host resident should accompany the public visitor to the Reception Counter for returning the Visitor Card.
  • Both the host resident and visitor should sign when returning the Visitor Card.
*Note: A resident is NOT allowed to register him-/herself as a visitor under any circumstances. Otherwise, s/he is liable for a penalty charge of HK$200 and disciplinary action as appropriate.
  1. In exceptional circumstances, a visitor, who is a PolyU student and of the same sex as the host resident, may be permitted to stay overnight in the Halls with the following conditions:
a. The host resident has to accompany the visitor to complete the overnight stay application procedures in person at the Visitor Registration Counter between 17:30 and 23:00 (the time designated for registration of overnight visitor).
b. The overnight visitor has to settle the prescribed charge and deposit electronically for the overnight stay at the overnight registration counter upon completion of application.
c. The approval of application is made on the assumption that the room-mate of the host resident will not complain about the stay of the overnight visitor. In case of a complaint from the room-mate of the host resident, the visitor shall have to leave the Halls immediately. The pre-paid charge for the overnight visitor will not be refunded, and the room-mate of the host resident will not be allowed to entertain another overnight visitor on the same night.
d. The overnight visitor should stay in the room of the host resident. If the overnight visitor is found residing in the room other than that of the host resident, the visitor is regarded as an illegal resident. Then the host resident, the visitor, the resident entertaining the illegal resident and other related parties will all be subject to disciplinary actions and charges where applicable.
e. The overnight visitor will get the refund of overnight stay deposit electronically via the overnight stay counter in person before 15:00 of the following day, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited.
f. The overnight visitor should understand that the Halls will not provide him/her with a space for sleeping during his/her overnight stay.
g. The resident should allow no more than one visitor of the same sex staying overnight on any one occasion.;
h. The resident shall in maximum allow three visitors of the same sex staying overnight per month.
i. The same visitor shall not stay overnight more than three times in the Halls in each month.
j. The Warden has the discretion to increase the quota stipulated in Clauses g, h and i above under special circumstances.
k. The host resident and/or visitors will be subject to a penalty charge in the range of HK$100 to HK$500 per day for each breach of the regulations, as stipulated in Section I, Clause 3.
Section E - Responsibilities to Hall Staff

A hall resident should

  1. allow the University to inform parents or the next of kin of the resident in case of emergency.
  2. produce medical evidence in supporting the suitability of hall residency if s/he is suspected to be suffering from mental health problems or displays potential violence, abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible behaviours that will put him-/herself or others at risk. This measure is implemented in the interest of his/her own health or safety and that of other residents.
  3. allow the Warden and/or the Hall staff, with or without prior notice, whether or not in the presence of the resident, to enter his/her room in situations for conducting routine cleaning, pest control, periodic inventory and safety checking, repair and maintenance works, checking of illegal residents, investigation of any alleged violation of hall regulations, or for upholding the hygiene, health, security, safety and hall operations or any situation as and when considered necessary and appropriate by the University;
  4. assume a cooperative attitude if his/her access right is suspended from the Hall Access Control due to any hall related issues or because s/he is suspected of violating hall regulations. S/he should approach the Hall Administration or Property Management Office (HH) to follow up and/or facilitate investigations;
  5. produce his/her PolyU Student Identity Card for inspection at the request of the Hall staff, and observe the instruction of the Hall staff as to areas where Hall residents are not permitted to access;
  6. attend official hall functions, fire drills, meetings or interviews to which s/he has been invited by the Warden or by the Hall staff. S/he should help with the investigation of any cases related to hall issues unless prior approval for absence from meetings or interviews has been obtained;
  7. allow the University to vacate his/her room and charge him/her a cleaning fee if s/he has been absent and cannot be contacted via phone or email for over one week after his/her expected check-out date, or the payment deadline of his/her hall fees. The University disclaims any liability for the loss or damage to the properties of the resident in this connection; and
  8. not provide false information to the Hall Administration in any circumstance, including but not limited to the completion of incident reports for investigation of disciplinary cases.
Section F - Responsibilities for Your Room and Suite

A hall resident should

  1. report to and follow up with the Hall Administration on any irregularities or malfunction of facilities and inventories and any other related problems found in his/her room/suite, including but not limited to serious pest problems, the possession/storage of prohibited items as stipulated in Section B Clause 1(y) and any condition that poses threat or potential hazard to him/her and other residents. The University disclaims any liability for the loss or damage to personal properties and the expense (e.g. laundry costs) so incurred by the incidents which are beyond the control of the University;
  2. be held liable for the following irregularities taking place in his/her assigned room:
a. the loss, casualty caused or damage (beyond normal wear and tear) to the furniture, fixtures, furnishing, personal or any other inventory items
b. any prohibited items found as stipulated in Section B Clause 1(y)

In the absence of proof of individual responsibility, the residents in the room may be held jointly liable for the above;

  1. take good care of keycard / access card or PolyU card. For security reason, the keycard / access card or PolyU card left unattended will be CONFISCATED by the Hall staff without prior notice. The resident concerned will have to pay an administration fee for issuance of a new keycard / access card as replacement. For getting a new keycard / access card, the resident could approach Hall Reception between 08:30 and 23:00. Outside these hours, s/he should go to the Property Management Office (HH) and pay an administration fee to get his/her room door opened before getting his/her new keycard/access card;
  2. take good care of the condition of the room/suite and its furniture and fixture;
  3. comply with the Fire Safety Regulations and do not tamper with the fire safety installations (e.g. hang or attach anything from/to the fire sprinklers);
  4. use smart-card operated facilities and equipment provisions in the room at his/her own expense or on a shared basis as agreed with his/her room-mate(s); and
  5. inform the Hall Administration for any malfunctions of facilities which may lead to improper free enjoyment of charging services.

A hall resident should NOT

  1. tamper with the electric wiring system and smart-card controlled electric metering system in the room,
  2. damage or tamper with hall properties purposely or unintentionally;
  3. cook, irrespective of the way of cooking, in the student rooms/suite and other communal areas not designed for cooking;
  4. smoke in his/her room/suite or within the hall premise;
  5. interfere with the fire sprinkler deliberately (e.g. hang or attach anything from/to the fire sprinklers), which is in violation of the Fire Safety Regulations;
  6. remove any furniture, fitting, fixture or facility provided in his/her room/suite or installed for common use in the Halls, or attempt to interfere with or dismantle existing fittings, or install/affix new fittings in those locations, without prior permission from the Warden or the Hall Administration;
  7. deface, defile or damage any wall, surface or any structure of any furniture, fitting, fixture or facility in the room/suite; and
  8. post notice and obstacle of any form to prevent or deter the Hall staff from entering the room/suite to execute official duties.
Section G - Responsibilities to Your Neighbours in the Community
  1. A hall resident should regard him-/herself as an ambassador of PolyU to the community.

A hall resident should NOT

  1. make or cause to make excessive noise, or disturbance of any form that will infringe on the rights and well-being of other residents in the Halls and the neighbourhood, especially during Quiet Hours between 23:00 and 07:00; and
  2. behave in such a way that may make the residents nearby feel harassed or distressed, e.g. speak foul language and/or display violent behaviour.
Section H - Responsibilities for Organizing and Conducting Hall Activities

Upon obtaining approval from the respective Warden or the SRSS for hosting a hall activity, the hall resident, in organizing and conducting the hall activity, should ensure that:

  1. the policies, regulations and rules of the University and the Halls are complied with;
  2. the sexual harassment policy of the University is complied with;
  3. the image of the University and the Student Halls will not be negatively affected. Photos or articles of hall activities shall be scrutinized by the respective Warden or the SRSS before releasing or uploading to the internet;
  4. the dignity and rights of others, regardless of their age, gender, race and background, are respected;
  5. English shall be used as the major medium of communication for publicity and in the hall activities in order to cater for the interest of residents from different places;
  6. prior approval from the respective Warden and the SRSS has been sought before soliciting sponsorship from external parties;
  7. prior approval from the respective Warden or the SRSS has been sought before collaborating with any non-hall and/or external parties;
  8. the health and safety of participants shall be observed and upheld at all times. In case of any emergency or accidents, the respective Warden and the Hall Administration will be informed immediately;
  9. the personal data of hall residents or participants will be properly handled and will not be used for other purposes;
  10. nuisance of any form, that will cause disturbance to other hall residents, neighbours or the community, or disrupt the normal and orderly operation of the Halls (e.g. the use of water, paint, ink, egg, powder or food for games), will not be created;
  11. all mass activities will be completed before 11:00pm to avoid disturbance to other hall residents, neighbours or the community; and
  12. all hall properties, furniture, fixtures, equipment and furnishings will be used according to their designed purposes. For any losses of or damages to such properties incurred, students-in-charge of the hall activities will be held jointly liable for the replacement or repair charges.
Section I - Disciplinary Actions & Appeal Procedures

1. Objectives

Through the disciplinary process, students are expected:

a. to develop desirable personal qualities such as ethical judgment, compliance with the rules, and taking responsibilities of their personal behaviour; and
b. to reflect thoroughly on the consequences of their behaviour and the impact it may have on themselves and others in the Halls and or the community, and hence learn to become a more behaved and socially responsible student.

2. Disciplinary Process

a. For Minor Offences

i. Violation of hall regulations in the Halls will be handled by either the Hall Warden of the resident or the Hall Administration.
ii. The Warden concerned or the Hall Administration will look into the case and, depending on circumstances, conduct interview(s) and invite witness(es) to provide information. The standard of proof is the preponderance of the evidence which means that the evidence, as a whole, shows that the fact sought to be proved is more probable than not.
iii. Upon investigation, the Warden or the Hall Administration will decide on the sanction(s) taking into consideration the nature of the alleged violation(s) and past conduct of the student.

b. For Serious Offences

If the alleged violation is serious in nature, a joint panel of Warden and the Administration colleague(s) will decide on whether the case warrants maximum penalty, that is, termination of residence. If there is ground to believe that the resident concerned may have breached the code of conduct of PolyU or even the law of Hong Kong, the case will be brought to the attention of the Student Discipline Committee, and/or to the Police.

3. Disciplinary Actions

A Warden and /or the Hall Administration may, in accordance with the authority entrusted by the University, take the following disciplinary actions against any hall resident for misconduct and violation of Hall regulations:

a. Confiscate items which are found to be in breach of Hall regulations and dispose of them if no one claims them back within 3 working days.
b. Impose a penalty charge in the range of HK$100 to HK$500 per day for each offence in breach of the hall regulations.
c. Serve disciplinary actions including verbal warning, social service, warning or final warning in case of breach of Hall regulations.
d. Suspend a resident from hall residence with immediate effect for a period not exceeding 14 days. If a resident is under police investigation for a criminal offence, the Hall Discipline Appeal Committee may make a decision to extend the suspension period until investigation is concluded.
e. Terminate the hall residence of a resident:
i. upon a 3 days’ written notice, if s/he fails to comply with any clauses herein;
ii. immediately, with or without notice, if s/he fails to settle the required hall related payments by the due date; and
iii. immediately, with or without notice, if such termination is required to protect the health, security, safety and well-being of residents at large and for maintaining the orderly operation of the Halls.
iv. Upon receiving the Notice of Suspension or Termination of Hall Residence, the hall resident should find his/her own accommodation and move out on or before the deadline specified in the Notice.
f. Report to the University's Student Discipline Committee, the department/faculty concerned about the misconduct of the resident and report to the Police if considered necessary and appropriate, other than the disciplinary actions enforced in the Halls.
g. Impose any other penalties and actions as considered appropriate.
h. Impose penalty on visitors who are residents of another hall building and who have committed an offence, as they should be bound by the same disciplinary terms for residents and subject to the same penalties for residents committing the offence.
i. Blacklist the resident being suspended /terminated from hall residence so that s/he could not apply for hall admission and for overnight stay in any University-managed Accommodation (UMA - including the Student Halls and Off-campus Housing) during his/her study in PolyU and refuse his/her access to UMA during the suspension period or within one year of the termination.
j. No refund of any Hall fees will be made for the period of suspension or termination of residence which is imposed as a disciplinary action. In addition, the resident will be required to settle any other penalty charges or outstanding fees incurred during his/her hall residence.

The disciplinary records of a hall resident will be kept for a period of no more than eight years under normal circumstances. The Halls will disclose the hall resident’s disciplinary records and related information to concerned parties within the Hong Kong Polytechnic University including, but not limited to, the Student Discipline Committee of the University, the Student Resources and Support Section of Student Affairs Office and his/her faculty/department in relation to his/her study matters in the University. The disciplinary records of a student may also affect his/her eligibility for scholarship and his/her student records in the University.

4. Appeal

a. A resident has the right to appeal against the decision made by the Warden and/or the Hall Administration. It is the responsibility of the appellant to file the appeal request.
b. A written appeal has to be submitted to the Secretary of the Hall Discipline Appeal Committee within 72 hours upon receipt of the written notice of sanction. To qualify for an appeal, it has to meet at least one of the following criteria:
i. Sanction(s) are inconsistent with the offense and the outcomes.
ii. There is new information that was previously not available at the time of the hearing AND that information will significantly impact the outcome.
iii. There was an error in the process which had significantly affected the outcome.
c. There is only one opportunity for appeal. Failure to file the appeal within the prescribed 72 hours will constitute a waiver of the right to appeal.
d. The appellant shall be liable for an administration fee for disciplinary appeal. Upon receiving the appeal, a debit note of the fee will be issued to the appellant’s account. The fee will be refunded if the appeal is successful with the original disciplinary actions being revoked.
e. At the time an appeal is granted, the sanctions incurred will not be enforced until the outcome of the appeal is determined. However, if it is considered that the offender will pose a serious threat to him-/herself or others or significant immediate impact to the University, the sanctions will be enforced while awaiting the outcome of the appeal.
f. The decision of the Hall Discipline Appeal Committee is final and binding within the University.

5. Disciplinary Actions for Improper Hall Access

Disciplinary actions stipulated in this section do not include the disciplinary actions for the offence related to allowing opposite sex visitors to stay in one’s room during privacy hours, and are by no means exhaustive. In case of disputes or unspecified circumstances, the “Regulations Governing Hall Residence” shall take precedence. The University reserves the authority to interpret the Hall Regulations stated herein.

a. For incomplete visitor registration procedures, the host resident shall be levied with the following penalty charges if he/she commits the following:
Offence Penalty Charge
Loss or damage of the Visitor Card HK$50/card
Late return (after 23:00) of the Visitor Card HK$50/card
Non-presence of either the host resident or visitor to sign the return of the Visitor Card (even though the Visitor Card might have been returned before 23:00) HK$50/card
b. For late departure of a registered visitor who leaves the hall after 23:00 but before 01:00 of the following day*
    Penalty Charge
Time PolyU Card Holder
Non-PolyU Card Holder
Late Departure of a registered visitor who leaves the hall after 23:00
Disciplinary Actions
  • First offence:
    the resident concerned will be reminded of the hall rules by Hall Property Services Contractor / Hall staff direct.
  • Repeated offence:
    the case will be escalated to Warden’s attention for interview and disciplinary actions will be taken against the resident concerned.

*Note: If the visitor leaves the Hall after 01:00, the visitor will be considered as committing an offence of illegal residence in the Hall. The resident, the visitor and other concerned parties shall be liable for disciplinary actions including immediate termination of hall residence as maximum, and/or Fine, and/or other disciplinary actions as appropriate, depending on the seriousness of the case.

c. For improper use of PolyU card for getting access into the Hall

The PolyU card refers to the PolyU student/staff ID card, Temporary Access Card, Visitor Card or any access cards issued by Hall Administration for access to the Halls. These cards are official documents of the University. Using a third person’s PolyU card to access into the Halls is a criminal offence, and residents or visitors, including any other parties found using a third party’s card for pairing up at the Pair-up Reader shall be liable for disciplinary actions including immediate termination of hall residence as maximum, and/or Fine, and/or other disciplinary actions as appropriate, depending on the seriousness of the case. The Halls also reserves the right to report such cases to the Police.

d. For illegal residence in the Halls

Subject to approval of the Hall Administration, a hall resident can apply a PolyU student of the same sex to the resident to stay outside visiting hours. The host resident should accompany the visitor (both in person) to the Visitor Registration Counter at G/F between 17:30 and 23:00 to apply for overnight stay of the visitor and settle the prescribed charge. The host resident and the overnight visitor should complete the overnight application procedures and comply with the rules governing visitors as stipulated in the regulations stated herein.

The host resident should observe the rule that the overnight visitor, upon getting approval for staying overnight, can only stay overnight in the room of the host resident.
In case of the followings, the overnight visitor will be considered as residing illegally in the Halls:

i. Residing without prior registration and approval.
ii. Staying overnight in the room other than that of the host resident.
iii. The overnight visitor is not a PolyU student.

Then the host resident, the overnight guest and the resident accommodating the illegal resident will all be liable for disciplinary actions including immediate termination of hall residence as maximum, and/or fine, and/or other disciplinary actions as appropriate, depending on the seriousness of the case.

e. For any resident forgetting to bring along PolyU card

i. If the Card is left in his/her room in the Halls, he/she shall be required to approach the Hall Reception for verification of identity. S/he will then be accompanied by a guard to check the presence of his/her student card in the room.
ii. If the Card is left in any place other than in the Halls, the hall resident will be issued a “One-off Entry” permission (with a maximum validity of 1 day). The resident should show “One-off Entry” permission and HKID/Passport to gain access through the Access Control System. Staff may refuse the resident to enter if the resident cannot produce HKID/Passport for checking.
iii. If the PolyU card is lost, the hall resident will be issued a Temporary Access Card (with a maximum validity of 1 day) with a deposit of $50 (refundable upon return of the card) and an administration charge of $50. The administration charge shall be waived if the resident can produce proof from the Academic Registry for lost card.

f. Settlement of Penalty Charges

As the enforcer of hall security and safety issues, the Property Management Office (HH) is entrusted with the authority to collect penalty charges relating to Hall regulations. Residents can settle the penalty charges by cash and will receive a receipt issued by Hall staff.

Section J - Privileges of Hall Resident

A Hall resident who has a valid full-time registered University student status throughout the residential period, and who has paid all appropriate Hall related charges, or who has been permitted to defer the payment of these charges, shall be entitled to reside and make use of the facilities and provisions in the Halls during the residential period. Such privileges will be waived or partially waived if a resident has violated Hall rules, as per the decision of the Warden or the Hall Administration.

Section K - Partial Residence, Cancellation and Withdrawal of Hall Residence

  1. Residents are not entitled to any adjustment on Hall charges for late occupancy during the first two weeks of the residential year, or for early withdrawal during the last two months of the residential year, as the residential places have been reserved and accepted.
  2. Cancellation and Withdrawal of Hall Residence
a. If a resident withdraws his/her hall residence prior to check-in or before the last 2 months of the residential year, a Residence Cancellation Fee, equivalent to the Hall Caution Money, will be levied as the administration charge. The hall lodging fee settled will be refunded. If a resident decides not to check in but fails to process his/her withdrawal before his/her expected check-in date, on top of a Residence Cancellation Fee, s/he is required to settle the lodging fee incurred from his/her expected check-in date up to the effective date of hall offer cancellation.
b. If a resident cancels his/her hall residence after check-in and before the last 2 months of the residential year, a Residence Cancellation Fee will be levied as the administration charge. The remaining hall lodging fee will be refunded.
c. If a resident cancels his/her hall residence within the last 2 months of the residential year, no matter s/he has checked in or not, the remaining hall lodging fee will be forfeited as the Residence Cancellation Fee.
d. The resident who decides to withdraw from hall residence should submit the form for Application for Withdrawal to the Hall Administration and properly complete the check-out procedures. Note that the mere act of moving-out or returning the key-card without the completion of the official check-out procedures shall not constitute the withdrawal from Hall residence. The resident needs to pay the Hall fee up to the date when s/he completes all official check-out procedures and s/he will be liable for any penalty charge incurred during his/her residence.
e. The resident should check out on or before the last day of his/her permitted residential period. S/he shall be liable for a maximum penalty charge of $200 per day for overdue residence.
  1. The Residence Cancellation Fee may be waived on the conditions that the resident withdraws his/her hall residence earlier than the last 2 weeks of the residential year and (supporting documents must reach Hall Administration within 3 working days after checkout for exemption):
a. the resident has graduated from the University (this however is NOT applicable to final-year students who intend to check out upon the completion of the final exam.); or
b. the resident has deferred his/her study or withdrawn from the University, or is unable to maintain a valid PolyU student registration status; or
c. the resident has joined an outbound exchange programme organized by PolyU Departments; or
d. the resident has obtained special university permission due to verified medical, personal or financial hardship.
Section L - Payment of Hall Charges

Hall residents are required to settle hall-related charges via electronic banking services or other means as set by the University. The Hall Administration reserves the right to refuse the resident from entering into the Halls if s/he fails to settle the hall-related charges. The University reserves the right to withhold the student’s graduation parchment and resort to legal means to recover any outstanding charges incurred during his/her stay in the Halls.

Section M - Interpretation
  1. “The Halls” refers to the PolyU Student Halls of Residence that are managed by the University.
  2. “Warden” refers to the Hall Warden of the respective Hall appointed by the University.
  3. “Tutor” refers to the senior Hall tutor or Hall tutor appointed by the University to support the Warden in the promotion of Hall life education, and to support the Student Resources and Support Section in the administration of the respective Hall.
  4. “Hall Administration” refers to the University staff authorized by the Section Head (SRSS) for overseeing the daily operation and management of the Student Halls of Residence.
  5. “Property Management Office (HH)” (PMO) refers to the contractor appointed by the Hall Administration to provide and manage property services to the Hung Hom Halls.
  6. “Hall resident” refers to a registered University student, summer resident or any person, other than the Hall Warden or staff of the Hall Administration or their family members, who has accepted the offer of a place in the residential Halls or who is currently residing in the Halls.
  7. “Hall Staff” refers to the staff of the Hall Administration, the Property Management Office (HH) and/or any other persons who with defined authority entrusted by the Halls or the University to handle hall-related matters.
  8. “Suite-mates” refers to hallmates staying in the same suite in the Halls.
  9. “Communal areas” refers to common areas including, but not limited to, corridor, stairway, lounge area, which are meant for shared use by hallmates, and the door of resident rooms facing outward (public areas).
  10. “PolyU Card” refers to PolyU student/staff ID card, Temporary Hall Smart Card, Visitor Card or any access cards issued by Hall Administration for access to the Halls.
  11. Hall Regulations refers to the Regulations Governing Hall Residence, Regulations Governing Summer Hall Residence, Regulations Governing Hall/Room Transfer & Procedures, Regulations Governing the Use of Hall Amenities & Sports Facilities, Regulations Governing the Use of Hall Swimming Pool, Regulations Governing the Use of Hall Car Park, Regulations Governing the Use of Hall Computer Network and any other regulations, policies, terms and conditions related to hall residence.
  12. “Residential year” refers to the residential period, which normally commences one week before the first semester and terminates at the closing date of the second semester of the academic year.
  13. “Summer Residence” normally refers to the summer semester of the academic year, unless otherwise specified.
  14. “Hall Computer Network” refers to the computer network established for the exclusive use of Hall residents, managed by a contractor appointed by the Hall Administration and governed by the Regulations Governing the Use of Hall Computer Network.
  15. Words in singular number shall include plural number and vice versa.

Hall Administration
Student Resources and Support Section
Student Affairs Office
August 2021

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