Scholarships Open for Application
- To current local/non-local students pursuing full-time government-funded degree or above level programmes.
- Candidates should normally have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 by end of Semester One of 2024/25. The disciplinary record(s) of the nominees with PolyU (if any) may be taken into consideration in the selection process.
- The recipients should participate in an event/competition (e.g. Conferences/forums/workshops/seminars/training camps/competitions,service projects etc.) or an internship/placement (credit-bearing/non-credit bearing), or a field/study trip, or attend a course (e.g. foreign language immersion programmes, academic exchange programmes etc.) that is conducted outside Hong Kong (destination must also be outside the home country for non-local students) in the 2024/25 academic year; and there is no restriction on the duration of the outreaching activity.
- The outreaching activity should either be organised or endorsed by PolyU and conducted during the period of 1 September 2024 – 31 August 2025. Online activities are not eligible. Students departing during the recognised period for the 2025/26 Academic Exchange should apply in 2025/26.
- ROA recipients are only eligible to receive the award ONCE throughout their studies.
This scholarship is NOT open for application. Interested and eligible students who wish to be considered for nomination should approach the Scholarship Liaison Officer(s) of respective Academic Departments hosting full-time government-funded programme(s) on or before 19 March 2025 (Wednesday) or the date specified by your department (whichever is the earlier).
Information Sheet
List of Scholarship Liaison Officer
To: Full-time local students who are admitted into a 4 or 5-year government-funded undergraduate degree programme in the 2024/25 academic year
You are cordially invited to attend the Online Information Session of The D. H. Chen Foundation Scholarship 2025/26, with details as follows:
Date: 3 April 2025 (Thursday)
Time: 6.30 – 7.45 pm
Format: Online via Zoom
Language: Cantonese
Registration Deadline: 12.00 noon on 1 April 2025 (Tuesday)*
Content: Introduction to the Program, followed by Scholars’ sharing
* Zoom meeting details will be sent to participants by 1 Apr, upon successful registration.
The D. H. Chen Foundation Scholarship consists of three components including 1) full tuition fee waiver, 2) means-tested living allowance and 3) overseas learning allowance (with additional requirements).
A maximum of 20 scholarships will be awarded to outstanding local full-time students of five local tertiary institutions (i.e. PolyU, City U, CUHK, HKUST and HKU), who must:
- be a Hong Kong Permanent Resident with right of abode in Hong Kong;
- be a full-time student admitted to a 4 or 5-year government-funded undergraduate programme in the 2024/25 academic year (i.e. Local current year 1 students with student ID starting with “24”. Senior-year intake students are NOT eligible.);
- have a yearly GPA of at least 3.5 or above with ALL letter grades of courses taken available by the end of semester two in 2024/25;
- demonstrate leadership abilities and commitment to make positive social change; and
- be free of disciplinary record with PolyU (including Student Halls of Residence).
The DHCF Scholarship will be open for nomination by Schools and Academic Departments in late April/early May 2025.
Information Session Poster
- All current students pursuing the full-time government-funded degree or above level programmes.
- Applicants MUST have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 by the end of Semester One of 2024/25.
- Applicants should possess demonstrated achievements within the recent three years (1 January 2021 – present) and continuously striving for improvement and excellence in any of the following areas: (1) Sports and games, (2) Music and performing arts, (3) Culture, arts and design, or (4) Innovation, science and technology.
- The applicants should provide evidence of active participation in the certain area of talent and at least:
- receive an award in international, national or regional competitions/performance; or
- represent institution or relevant association in such competitions/performances and have good recommendation/ assessment by the institution or relevant organization on the capacity or talent; or
- receive an award (except commendable award in recognition of participation) in local/inter-school/inter-institution competitions.
Interested students may apply for the Scholarship through our e-Application System before 23.59 on 2 April 2025 (Wednesday).
Applicants MUST log in to the e-Application System with their own NetID and Password; otherwise, their application will be considered as INVALID and will therefore not be processed. Late applications will also NOT be accepted. Applicants are strongly advised to submit their application BEFORE application deadline and not to wait until the very last minute.
Annex I_List of Approved TDS Activities
Annex II_List of Activities Pending for Approval