
Sept 2025 Entry


4 years


121 (plus 6 training credits)

351 (Combined intake for programmes JS3005 [~35], JS3140 [~49], JS3150 [~22], JS3170 [~49], JS3180 [~56], JS3236 [~46], JS3237 [~43] and JS3741 [~51]) (JUPAS and Non-JUPAS) (Subject to approval)
Programme Leader

Scheme Leader
Dr Carman K.M. Lee
BEng (PolyU), PhD (PolyU)

Programme Leader - BSc (Hons) in Intelligent Supply Chain
Dr Nick Chung
BEng (HKU), MPhil (HKU), PhD (HKU)

Programme Leader - BSc (Hons) in Engineering Management with Data Analytics
Dr Carman K.M. Lee
BEng (PolyU), PhD (PolyU)

  • All admitted students will embark on a Common Year One curriculum within the Faculty of Engineering and will study a common curriculum for this scheme in the second year. Students must select one of the two honours degree awards no later than the end of the second semester of Year 2.

  • The credit requirements of this scheme are indicative only. They are subject to review.

  • Students will be awarded one of the following awards upon successful completion of the graduation requirements of the programme concerned:

    • BSc (Hons) in Intelligent Supply Chain

    • BSc (Hons) in Engineering Management with Data Analytics

  • Students are allowed to enrol in any awards without being subject to further assessment.

  • The option of Secondary Major in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA) is available to students of BSc (Hons) in Intelligent Supply Chain Engineering (a variant of BSc (Hons) in Intelligent Supply Chain). Admission to a Secondary Major is on a competitive basis and is subject to a different credit requirement for graduation. Please see the “Secondary Major Details” section.


Entry Scholarship

  • To recognise the outstanding academic performance of HKDSE students, the department will grant entry scholarship to eligible HKDSE students admitted to the scheme via JUPAS. The award criteria for the scholarship are shown on They are subject to change and will be announced on the department website in due course.

Application Deadline
Non-JUPAS Year 1
International / Other Qualification

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  • Taught Postgraduate
  • Undergraduate
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About Programme
Specific Notes
How to Apply
Aims & Characteristics

Two full-time programmes are offered under this scheme:

  • BSc (Hons) in Intelligent Supply Chain (BSc ISC)
  • BSc (Hons) in Engineering Management with Data Analytics (BSc EMDA)

All admitted students will embark on a Common Year One curriculum. Towards the end of year one, students can decide whether to continue with their initial choice or switch to another choice within the Faculty of Engineering. Those who wish to change to another choice need to join a competitive process through a ranking assessment, which considers a combination of entrance qualification score, Year One GPA, and interview performance.



Programme Aims and Learning Outcomes

Managing logistics is an interesting and complex task. It involves the effective management of materials, information, and finance in a network of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and customers.


This programme aims to nurture logistics engineers and professionals who are competent in the design, implementation, control, and execution of logistics systems and related technologies and who are capable of managing complex business, logistics and technology systems for increasingly technology-enabled logistics enterprises.


Programme Characteristics

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University possesses a broad array of expertise and talent that spans the entire spectrum of logistics. The programme provides comprehensive training in logistics systems, facility design, logistics information systems, supply chain management and operations management. It also teaches the general management and business skills needed to manage and run modern logistics companies.


In addition to the academic curriculum, Work-Integrated Education (WIE) is incorporated into the programme to ensure that students gain real-life work experience that is relevant to their studies. This enables students to better understand the relevance of their academic efforts and enhances their all-round development.


Summer placement opportunities may be available to students to enable them to gain practical work experience.


Students also have the opportunity to participate in the Student Exchange Programme, during which they spend one semester at a university in a country such as the US, Canada, Sweden, or Finland.



Programme Aims and Learning Outcomes

Enterprises are industrial and commercial organisations that shape the modern economy. This programme aims to provide students with a body of knowledge, principles, and skills related to the analysis, design, implementation, and operation of the critical elements associated with the effective operation of modern enterprises. To be successful in today’s highly competitive global business environment, an enterprise must be willing to undertake new activities and able to continuously optimise its operations.


This programme aims to generate a new tranche of professionals with the entrepreneurship skills and ability to integrate and apply engineering, business management and information technology expertise to optimise the operations of modern information-based enterprises and workflows along the business value chains in which they operate.


Graduates of this programme are capable of formulating problems, recognising the areas in an enterprise that require improvement and devising and implementing strategies to produce solutions that enhance business efficiency and effectiveness. They enable enterprises to deliver quality goods and services that meet or exceed customer demands in today’s modern business environment.


Programme Characteristics

The Curriculum

The programme curriculum is designed to suit students from arts, commerce, and science backgrounds. It comprises a unique and integrated combination of subjects to nurture graduates who are competent in enterprise engineering, information technology and management. The curriculum includes subjects such as Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Integrative Studies in Enterprise Systems and Management, which equip students with the principles and hands-on experience necessary to develop plans for starting up new businesses. A competition is held each year in the ISE Department for the best business plan, with industry practitioners invited to join academic staff members on the judging panel.


Teaching Approach and Support Facilities

Our teaching follows a student-centred and problem-based learning approach and is conducted with the support of the most advanced facilities in the region, including the PolyU Microsoft Enterprise Systems Centre. The Centre has laboratories focusing on business automation, logistics and simulation and knowledge solutions.


Work-Integrated Education

In addition to the normal curriculum, Work-Integrated Education (WIE) has been incorporated into the programme. The Department also makes every effort to secure industrial summer-training placements for students during their studies. These placements enable students to gain practical work experience.


Student Exchange to Overseas Universities

Students also have the opportunity to participate in the Student Exchange Programme, travelling to universities in North America, Europe and Asia, including the Chinese mainland. The typical duration of an exchange is one semester.

Recognition & Prospects


Professional Recognition

This programme is evolved from the BSc (Hons) in Logistics Engineering with Management. Accreditation from a relevant professional body may be sought for this programme. 


Career Prospects

Graduates typically become management trainees, logistics engineers, distribution analysts/officers, logistics analysts, logistics officials in government offices, business executives/analysts, system analysts/designers or entrepreneurs. Moreover, a wide range of employment opportunities are available in industry settings, business, services and the government. Most graduates are promoted to managerial positions after a few years of work experience.



Professional Recognition

This programme evolved from the BSc(Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management. Accreditation will be sought from the Chartered Management Institute for the dual accreditation. Students will automatically receive a second professional qualification upon successful completion of the programme.


Career Prospects

Similar to other business and management programmes, the Engineering Management with Data Analytics programme equips students with generic understanding and know-how applicable to enterprises and organisations in various sectors. A wide range of employment opportunities suitable for our graduates are available in industry settings, business, services and the government sector. Most graduates are promoted to managerial positions after a few years of work experience.

Year 1 
All admitted students will embark on a Common Year One curriculum within the Faculty of Engineering. 
Year 2 (Common curriculum for this scheme)
Chinese Communication
Management and Organisation
Introduction to Marketing
Industrial Engineering Technique and Method
Technology and Applications of E-Business Systems
Shipping and Transport Logistics Operations
Accounting for Decision Making
Business Law
Computing Tools in Resources Planning and Analysis
Free Elective 1*
Year 3
Engineering Economics Engineering Economics
Planning of Manufacturing Systems Planning of Manufacturing Systems
Professional Communication in Chinese Professional Communication in Chinese
Professional Communication in English for Engineering Students Professional Communication in English for Engineering Students
Applied Quality and Reliability with AIDA Applied Quality and Reliability with AIDA
Logistics Automation Engineering Management
Mobile Technologies for Logistics Systems Digital Transformation
Management Science Apploed AIDA in Operations Research and Management
E-Commerce and Logistics Business Process Management and Innovation
Service-Learning Service-Learning
Integrated Project Integrated Project
Year 4
Production Logistics Strategic Management
Business Intelligence for Supply Chain Business Intelligence for Supply Chain
Logistics Information Management Enterprise Resources Planning
Supply Chain Analytics Enterprise Analytics
Society and the Engineer Society and the Engineer
Project Management Project Management
Green Legislation and Supply Chain Logistics Engineering Costing and Evaluation
Individual Project Individual Project
ERP Advanced ERP Advanced
* Students can take free Elective Subjects offered by ISE or other departments.
Secondary Major Details


The logistics industry employs the largest number of workers among the four main economic pillars in Hong Kong. Its contribution to Hong Kong’s GDP is remarkable. The well-developed transportation infrastructure (e.g., Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong’s port, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge), enables Hong Kong to interconnect smoothly and efficiently with the rest of the world (especially mainland China). To maintain its high efficiency and competitive edge, the logistics industry in Hong Kong is transforming from a traditional labour-intensive and paper-oriented process to automation and digitalisation. Demand for talents with strong knowledge in logistics and AIDA to support the industry’s growth is high.


Students can take an elective subject from a pool of elective subjects, including Accounting for Decision Making, Introduction to Marketing, Introduction to Enterprise Computing, Fundamental of Enterprise Systems and Engineering Economics.



Studying for a Secondary Major is a free choice by students and is not mandatory. Only students with a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or above will be considered for Secondary Major enrolment. This Secondary Major may stipulate additional selection criteria for admission and is subject to quota availability. Students must apply to and obtain approval from the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, not later than the commencement of the second year of study, to be admitted to the Secondary Major. Accreditation has not been sought from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) for BSc (Hons) in Intelligent Supply Chain Engineering (a variant of BSc (Hons) in Intelligent Supply Chain).

Entrance Requirements and Subject Weightings

Satisfy the University's General Entrance Requirements.


Please click here for the subject weightings for 2025/26.

Preferred Subjects with the Highest Weighting

There is no compulsory subject requirement. Preferred subject(s) with the highest weighting for admission score calculation include(s):

English Language
Business, Accounting and Financial Studies
Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (Accounting)
Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (Business Management)
Information and Communication Technology
Relevant Applied Learning Subjects

Relevant Applied Learning subject(s) that can be considered for meeting the University entrance requirement and admission score calculation is/are:

Admission Score Calculation Mechanism for the Current Admission Exercise
Any Best 5 Subjects
Average HKDSE Scores of Admittees

This programme has been restructured starting from 2025/26. The average HKDSE score is listed for reference:


Bachelor of Science (Honours) Scheme in Logistics and Enterprise Engineering (Logistics Engineering with Management / Enterprise Engineering with Management) (JS3571)

2024/25 Average Score: Any Best 5 Subjects (with Subject Weighting) = 146.4


For further programme information, please contact   
ISE Enquiry (email:; tel.: 2766 6597).

Student Message

Many people have never heard of logistics, but it is everywhere in our daily lives – from small gadgets to the machinery on a building site. I am honoured to have been accepted to the Logistics Engineering with Management programme, retitled to Intelligent Supply Chain (ISC). In our first year, interesting and useful Cluster-Area Requirements and Leadership subjects sharpened our skills and nourished our personal development.


I initially felt nervous while I was getting used to life at PolyU. Luckily, Dr Choy, the Programme Leader, really cares for his students and was willing to spend time talking to us. Everyone I have met at PolyU has been very friendly and willing to help others when they are in need. I now feel excited and energised about my life at PolyU.


I have participated in several activities, such as the exchange tour to Beijing in the summer, attended various talks given by famous people and served as a student helper at PolyU events. This has helped me to get to know the campus and broaden my horizons. I would like to thank everyone I have met at PolyU. Without them, my life here would not have been so fruitful. I look forward to more great opportunities in the future.

Leung Hiu Yan

Enterprise Engineering with Management (EEM), retitled to Engineering Management with Data Analytics (EMDA), is designed to equip graduates with hard skills, personal development and industrial experience. The programme will broaden your perspective through embedded internships, exchange programmes and summer school opportunities and will open the door to a wide range of careers, including but not limited to consulting, finance and management trainees in various sectors.

Ru Weiming Linda, MPhil student in Industrial Systems, Manufacture, and Management (ISMM), University of Cambridge

The BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management programme, retitled to Engineering Management with Data Analytics (EMDA), provided me with a diverse study environment. It not only equipped me with academic knowledge but also encouraged my personal growth. Most importantly, this course cultivates business-engineering professionals with structured mindsets through its various subjects and projects.


I was part of a group that entered the Business Plan Competition, which required us to propose a new business opportunity with a detailed plan. We were the first runners-up in this competition. My FYP was in cooperation with the Hong Kong Fire Services Department, for which I developed informative and interactive e-learning courseware. This gave me the valuable experience of applying the skills I had learned to a real-life situation. I also participated in study tours to places such as Korea and Beijing, was involved in voluntary service and was a student helper on Information Day and at a large-scale international seminar.


The rapid changes that affect us all present new challenges every day. Thus, in addition to participating in traditional learning, we must be good team players and flexible workers. In my present career in finance and marketing, I have the opportunity to work with people from all walks of life and on different projects. My university life prepared me for this – I worked with people from different backgrounds, managed jobs analytically and became a fast learner.

Chong Shu Fong

The BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management programme, retitled to Engineering Management with Data Analytics (EMDA), offered me practical experience and many valuable opportunities, and it broadened my horizons.


In addition to comprehensive knowledge related to enterprise engineering and business management, the programme provided me with many opportunities to participate in various kinds of events, including a study tour to Taiwan, an exchange programme in Finland and several competitions, so that I could further develop and apply my professional knowledge and the skills I had learned. I now have a global outlook and a good understanding of enterprise management, which will facilitate my organisational decision-making and problem-solving in the future.


The enriched programme undoubtedly gave me advantages in the highly competitive job market. I am now a management trainee at DHL Global Forwarding (Hong Kong) Limited, and I have applied the professional knowledge that I gained in the programme, such as project management and strategic management, during my training. This has helped me to deal confidently with challenges and management problems in the organisation. I will continue to use this knowledge to improve my performance and obtain better outcomes.


I feel extremely fortunate to be a graduate of the programme. It gave me an all-round education and the development opportunities I needed to become a professional enterprise engineer.

Chan Kam Wai

The BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management, retitled to Engineering Management with Data Analytics (EMDA), integrates management methods and scientific approaches to help organisations manage resources effectively and adapt to an ever-changing business environment. In addition to gaining knowledge of planning and designing effective operation processes for enterprises, I learned about the importance of information technology in helping enterprises to identify industry trends, fulfil customer expectations and gain competitive advantages.


During our 4 years of study, we were often given opportunities to apply our theoretical knowledge, and the practical training and projects were challenging and rewarding. In addition to academic study, we were able to broaden our outlook via study tours and organisation visits and to explore our career options in graduate sharing sessions.


As a business analyst in a shipping company, I often apply the knowledge I learned during the programme. My skills in project planning and business re-engineering help me to identify the needs of users and design solutions to improve business processes and operations.

Tsang Ho Shan
Additional Documents Required
Programme Leaflet
LocalNon-JUPAS Year 1
Additional Documents Required
Transcript / Certificate


Programme Leaflet

Click here

Interview Arrangement

To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme, and to test their language and communication skills and their learning attitude.

Date of Interview
Between November 2024 and July 2025

About 10-15 minutes

Individual interview (online)
  • Suitable applicants will be invited to interview.
Non-LocalInternational / Other Qualification
Additional Documents Required
Transcript / Certificate


Interview Arrangement

To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme, and to assess their language and communication skills and attitude towards learning.

Date of Interview
Between November 2024 and July 2025

About 10-15 minutes

Individual interview (online)

Suitable applicants will be invited to interview.

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