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   Cumulative Index by Specialty of Thematic Journals [View PDF]

  1. CDL Subject Index by Specialty of Thematic Journals is cumulatively presented here. This information is based on CDL bibliographic selected within and beyond. (tentative)
  2. It is arranged alphabetically by journal name.
  3. It can be searched and browsed according to its metadata/index terms in the top row of each page such as Journal Name, Article Title, Article Form, and Citation.
  4. It could suggest special subjects (specialty) of journals related to CDL research.

   Cumulative Index by Specialty of Journal Article Form [View PDF]

  1. CDL Subject Index by Specialty of Journal Article Form is cumulatively presented here. This information is based on CDL bibliographic selected within and beyond. (tentative)
  2. It is arranged alphabetically by Journal Article Form.
  3. It can be searched and browsed according to its metadata/index terms in the top row of each page such as Article Form, Journal Name, Article Title, and Citation.
  4. It could suggest journal article forms of CDL related research from different intellectual perspectives.