PolyU is committed to the principles of good governance to ensure that the University is ‘fit for its purpose’ — as an institution of teaching and research, which also provides consultancy and other professional services to the community. These principles emphasize academic freedom and autonomy, performance in terms of added value to student education and academic advancement, public accountability and social responsibility, transparency, ethics and professionalism. These principles are to be upheld through the following provisos:


Academic freedom and autonomy


PolyU will uphold and defend academic freedom and institutional autonomy so as to ensure that its education and academic pursuits are not subject to undue intervention.



Performance, ethics and professionalism


The University will strive for exemplary performance with the highest possible standards of professionalism and ethics and seek to provide high quality services at a reasonable and affordable cost.



Transparency and public accountability


The Council and the Management of the University will conduct their activities in a transparent manner, subject to legal restrictions and the need to protect the overall interests of the University.



Social responsibility


The University will strive to fulfil its social responsibilities. As such, the University will, as far as is reasonable and possible, facilitate the participation of its staff and students in community development activities and public services.