Terms of Reference
- To recommend to Council the investment objectives, as promulgated in the Statement of Investment Policies and Guidelines (SIPG).
- To formulate investment strategies for the management of the University's Working Capital Fund, in pursuit of the objectives stated in the SIPG.
- Pursuant to the delegated authority from Council, to engage the services of investment consultants and professionals, appoint external fund managers and custodians and to terminate their engagement, where necessary.
- To establish appropriate and relevant investment benchmarks, for the purpose of monitoring the performance of external fund managers / Finance Office who manage the investment portfolios as well as the performance of the Working Capital Fund itself.
- To expeditiously deal with investment business items in times of exigency, for and on behalf of Council, and to report such dealings to Council via the Executive Committee.
- To advise Council on proposals from the University Management in respect of investment management.
- To perform such other functions laid upon it by the Council.
A member of Council appointed by Council Chairman
A member of Council appointed by Council Chairman
Mr CHEW Fook-aun 周 福 安
Treasurer of the University
Mr Arthur LEE Kin 李 健, MH
A member of senior management nominated by the President and
appointed by Council Chairman
Professor Miranda LOU 盧 麗 華, MH
Executive Vice President
1-2 members of Council, who are not members of the Finance Committee,
appointed by Council Chairman
appointed by Council Chairman
Ms Dee Dee CHAN 陳 子 君
Dr Daniel YIP Chung-yin 葉 中 賢, BBS, JP
1-2 independent non-Council members, who are experts in investment,
appointed by Council Chairman
Mr Edmund HO 何 艾 文
Mr Danny HUNG Tak-wai 孔 德 偉
Mr Ken LAM 林 子 健
Director of Finance