Terms of Reference

  1. To recommend to Council the investment objectives, as promulgated in the Statement of Investment Policies and Guidelines (SIPG).
  2. To formulate investment strategies for the management of the University's Working Capital Fund, in pursuit of the objectives stated in the SIPG.
  3. Pursuant to the delegated authority from Council, to engage the services of investment consultants and professionals, appoint external fund managers and custodians and to terminate their engagement, where necessary.
  4. To establish appropriate and relevant investment benchmarks, for the purpose of monitoring the performance of external fund managers / Finance Office who manage the investment portfolios as well as the performance of the Working Capital Fund itself.
  5. To expeditiously deal with investment business items in times of exigency, for and on behalf of Council, and to report such dealings to Council via the Executive Committee.
  6. To advise Council on proposals from the University Management in respect of investment management.
  7. To perform such other functions laid upon it by the Council.


A member of Council appointed by Council Chairman
Mr CHEW Fook-aun 周 福 安

Treasurer of the University
Mr Arthur LEE Kin 李 健, MH 

A member of senior management nominated by the President and
appointed by Council Chairman

Professor Miranda LOU 盧 麗 華, MH 
Executive Vice President

1-2 members of Council, who are not members of the Finance Committee,
appointed by Council Chairman
Ms Dee Dee CHAN 陳 子 君
Dr Daniel YIP Chung-yin 葉 中 賢, BBS, JP
1-2 independent non-Council members, who are experts in investment,
appointed by Council Chairman
Mr Edmund HO 何 艾 文
Mr Danny HUNG Tak-wai 孔 德 偉
Mr Ken LAM 林 子 健
Director of Finance