Terms of Reference
- To advise Council on all matters within the jurisdiction of the Council which have important finance implications including treasury functions, except for investment management.
- To advise Council on strategies to obtain resources exceeding the levels of funding available from UGC and from tuition fees and other income.
- To advise Council on proposals from the University Management in respect of triennial estimates, annual budgets and annual budget reviews.
- To advise Council on preparation of annual financial statements.
- To receive performance reports on all University retirement schemes.
- To perform such other functions laid upon it by the Council.
Treasurer of the University
Mr Arthur LEE Kin 李 健, MH
Up to 4 other lay members of Council appointed by Council Chairman
Mr CHEW Fook-aun 周 福 安
Up to 4 other lay members of Council appointed by Council Chairman
Mr CHEW Fook-aun 周 福 安
Ir Dr James LAU Chi-wang 劉 志 宏, BBS, JP
The elected staff member who is serving the second year of his/her term of office
Dr Vincent CHO Wing-sing 曹 永 成
Dr Vincent CHO Wing-sing 曹 永 成
President (or nominee)
Professor Jin-Guang TENG 滕 錦 光, BBS, JP
A member of Senior Management nominated by the President and appointed by Council Chairman
Professor Miranda LOU 盧 麗 華, MH
Executive Vice President
Mr Ken LAM 林 子 健
Director of Finance