The Entrepreneurship Investment Fund Sub-committee is a sub-committee of the Investment Committee.
Terms of Reference
- To establish appropriate investment policies and measurement metrics for the purpose of governing and monitoring the investment portfolios of the Entrepreneurship Investment Fund.
- To advise and recommend on the development of strategic investment partnership for Entrepreneurship Investment Fund.
- To govern and approve the investment and divestment proposals recommended or submitted by the University Management.
- To review the performance of the investment portfolios of the Entrepreneurship Investment Fund.
Chairman of Investment Committee
Mr CHEW Fook-aun 周 福 安
Up to 2 Lay Members of Council
Ir Dr Samson TAM Wai-ho 譚 偉 豪, JP
A member of senior management nominated by the President
Professor Christopher CHAO 趙 汝 恒
Vice President (Research and Innovation)
An expert in legal, accounting or other professional field
Ms Loretta FONG Wan-huen 方 蘊 萱
Up to 2 investment experts
Mrs Sophia CHAN 陳 葉 佩 坤
Ms Amy LUNG 龍 佩 英
Up to 2 experts in the entrepreneurship / start-up community
(to be appointed)
A staff member appointed by the President
Mr Gossard LEUNG 梁 維 俊
Section Head (Entrepreneurship)
Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office