The Entrepreneurship Investment Fund Sub-committee is a sub-committee of the Investment Committee.

Terms of Reference

  1. To establish appropriate investment policies and measurement metrics for the purpose of governing and monitoring the investment portfolios of the Entrepreneurship Investment Fund.
  2. To advise and recommend on the development of strategic investment partnership for Entrepreneurship Investment Fund.
  3. To govern and approve the investment and divestment proposals recommended or submitted by the University Management.
  4. To review the performance of the investment portfolios of the Entrepreneurship Investment Fund.


Chairman of Investment Committee
Mr CHEW Fook-aun 周 福 安

Up to 2 Lay Members of Council
Ir Dr Samson TAM Wai-ho 譚 偉 豪, JP

A member of senior management nominated by the President
Professor Christopher CHAO 趙 汝 恒
Vice President (Research and Innovation)

An expert in legal, accounting or other professional field
Ms Loretta FONG Wan-huen 方 蘊 萱

Up to 2 investment experts
Mrs Sophia CHAN 陳 葉 佩 坤
Ms Amy LUNG 龍 佩 英

Up to 2 experts in the entrepreneurship / start-up community
(to be appointed)

A staff member appointed by the President
Mr Gossard LEUNG 梁 維 俊
Section Head (Entrepreneurship)
Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office