Terms of Reference

  1. To advise Council on all questions relating to the acquisition, purchase, lease, development, erection, alteration and maintenance of all the University's lands and buildings.
  2. To advise on and approve on behalf of Council, or endorse for Council's approval, as appropriate, the appointment of architects and other professional consultants for the development of buildings and acquisition and installation of plant and equipment.
  3. To examine and approve sketch designs and estimates.
  4. To receive reports and to approve on behalf of Council, or endorse for Council's approval, as appropriate, recommendations from the Works Tender Board.
  5. To appoint sub-committees or project teams, as and when necessary, to deal with major building projects.


A lay member of Council appointed by Council Chairman 
Ir Dr James LAU Chi-wang 劉 志 宏, BBS, JP

Up to 5 other lay members of Council appointed by Council Chairman
Mr Ray CHUI Man-wai 徐 汶 緯, JP
Dr LAM Tai-fai 林 大 輝, GBS, JP
Ir Arthur LEE 李 錦 雄
Ir YAU Kwok-fai 游 國 輝
Mr YU Wai-wai 余 惠 偉, JP 

The elected staff member who is serving the first year of his/her term of office
Dr Rodney CHU Wai-chi 朱 偉 志

President (or nominee)
Professor Jin-Guang TENG 滕 錦 光, BBS, JP

A member of Senior Management nominated by the President and appointed by Council Chairman
Professor K. K. LING 凌 嘉 勤
Interim Vice President (Campus Development and Facilities) 

Ir Ben LAU 劉 文 彪
Associate Vice President (Campus Development and Facilities) and
Director of Campus Development