Dr LAM Tai-fai 林 大 輝, GBS, JP *

Deputy Chairman
Dr Daniel YIP Chung-yin 葉 中 賢, BBS, JP *

Treasurer of the University
Mr Arthur LEE Kin 李 健, MH *


  1. The President and the Deputy President
    Professor Jin-Guang TENG 滕 錦 光, BBS, JP, President
    Professor Wing-tak WONG 黃 永 德, Deputy President & Provost
  2. Three elected staff members appointed by Council
    (i) elected by and from full-time staff 
      Dr Vincent CHO Wing-sing 曹 永 成 
    Dr Rodney CHU Wai-chi 朱 偉 志
    (ii) elected by and from the Senate
      Ir Professor H.C. MAN 文 効 忠
  3. Seventeen members who are not employees or students of the University or public officers, including 
    (i) nine appointed by the Chief Executive

    Ms Vena CHENG Wei-yan 鄭 慧 恩

    Ir Arthur LEE Kam-hung 李 錦 雄
    Ir Dr Derrick PANG Yat-bond 彭 一 邦, JP
    Dr Thomas SO Shiu-tsung 蘇 紹 聰, JP
    Mr Alex WONG Chun-bong 王 振 邦
    Mr YU Wai-wai 余 惠 偉, JP 

    (ii) eight appointed by the Council

    Ms Dee Dee CHAN 陳 子 君

    Mr CHEW Fook-aun 周 福 安

    Mr Ray CHUI Man-wai 徐 汶 緯, JP

    The Hon. Kenneth FOK Kai-kong 霍 啟 剛, JP

    Ir Dr James LAU Chi-wang 劉 志 宏, BBS, JP
    Mr SIN Yat-kin 單 日 堅, SBS, CSDSM, JP

    Ir Dr Samson TAM Wai-ho 譚 偉 豪, JP

    The Hon. Perry YIU Pak-leung 姚 柏 良, MH, JP

  4. One member from the alumni who is not an employee of the University
    and who shall be appointed by the Council


    Ir YAU Kwok-fai 游 國 輝

  5. Two members from the full-time students appointed by the Council
    (i) elected by and from undergraduate and sub-degree students 

    Miss CHAN Hei-tung Manis 陳 芑 曈

    (ii) elected by and from postgraduate students
      (to be elected)
Miss Connie CHAN 陳 育 華

* Members appointed under Section 3(i).