Terms of Reference

  1. To consider such matters as are referred to it by Council including the making of decisions with power delegated by Council as appropriate.
  2. To provide a forum for initial discussion/information on aspects of strategic planning and development of the University, formulation of proposals and review of major policies, inter alia, and to make recommendations to Council where appropriate.
  3. To receive reports from the Standing Committees of Council.
  4. To provide advice and opinion on matters of University business at the request of the President.
  5. To receive regular reports from Management covering businesses as appropriate of the President.
  6. To recommend to Council for approval, and make decisions on behalf of Council, as appropriate, on major policies on staffing, appointments and conditions of service.
  7. To consider the agenda for forthcoming Council meetings and to give initial consideration as necessary to major items of Council business.
  8. In accordance with the general policies of Council, and subject to reporting to Council at the next available opportunity, to deal with items of business, which for reasons of urgency, cannot await to be resolved by the full Council.
  9. To monitor the implementation of Council's decisions.


Deputy Chairman of Council 
Dr Daniel YIP Chung-yin 葉 中 賢, BBS, JP 

Treasurer of the University and Chairman of Finance Committee
 Mr Arthur LEE Kin 李 健, MH 

Chairman of Campus Development Committee
Ir Dr James LAU Chi-wang 劉 志 宏, BBS, JP

Up to 3 other lay members of Council appointed by Council Chairman
Mr SIN Yat-kin 單 日 堅, SBS, CSDSM, JP
Mr Alex WONG Chun-bong 王 振 邦

President (or nominee)
Professor Jin-Guang TENG 滕 錦 光, BBS, JP

A member of Senior Management nominated by the President and appointed by Council Chairman
Professor Wing-tak WONG  黃 永 德
Deputy President & Provost

The staff member elected by and from Senate 
Ir Professor H.C. MAN 文 効 忠

Miss Connie CHAN 陳 育 華 
Secretary to Council