Terms of Reference 

1. To consider and make recommendations to Council for approval persons on whom the University shall confer Honorary Degrees.
2. To consider and approve nominations for conferment of University Fellowship.
3. To consider any matter associated with the conferment of Honorary Degrees and Honorary Awards that Council/Management may refer to it.


Chairman of Council
Dr LAM Tai-fai 林 大 輝, GBS, JP

Chairman of Executive Committee
Dr Daniel YIP Chung-yin 葉 中 賢, BBS, JP 

Chairman of Campus Development Committee
Ir Dr James LAU Chi-wang 劉 志 宏, BBS, JP 

Chairman of Finance Committee
Mr Arthur LEE Kin 李 健, MH 

Professor Jin-Guang TENG 滕 錦 光, BBS, JP

A member of Senior Management nominated by the President and appointed by Council Chairman
Professor Miranda LOU 盧 麗 華, MH 
Executive Vice President

Up to 2 senior academics nominated by the President and appointed by Council Chairman

Professor Wing-tak WONG 黃 永 德
Deputy President & Provost

Professor David SHUM 岑 浩 強
Dean, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences 

Miss Connie CHAN 陳 育 華 
Secretary to Council