Council Members are provided with proper induction as well as on-going training and development to help them discharge their duties in a more informed manner.

New Council Members will receive from the Council Secretariat comprehensive information about the University and its Council, including the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Ordinance, the Code of Practice on Governance, Rules of Procedure of Council, PolyU Annual Report, PolyU Newsletters, PolyU in Figures, etc.

The University will arrange an induction session for all newly appointed Council Members focusing on their roles and responsibilities as well as the latest developments of the University.

Faculty/School visits and focused programmes pertaining to the core functions of the University e.g. teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, risk management, finance and investment, human resources, campus development, etc. will be arranged to provide Council Members with a comprehensive understanding of the mission and vision as well as the overall operation of the University. The University also engages external professional firms to provide Council Members with updates on various governance issues.

To complement the familiarization programme of individual universities, the University Grants Committee (UGC) conducts sector-wide briefing sessions which cover the wider context of higher education, both locally and globally, for Council Members of the UGC-funded universities on a regular basis.

Council Members are kept informed of major issues and developments related to PolyU and other local institutions, relevant government policies and other relevant matters through a variety of channels such as the daily media summary, PolyU newsletters, as well as through updates from the President on important and emerging issues.

Council Members are invited to university and departmental activities through which they can gain a better understanding of institutional affairs.




Related Documents

- PolyU Annual Reports and Newsletters
- PolyU in Figures