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General Information on Application for Undergraduate Halls


General Information on Application

1) Options of Student Halls

A) Student Halls of Residence (Hung Hom)

There are 9 Halls, all with double rooms. Boyan Hall is meant for Research Postgraduate students only while the other eight halls are meant for Undergraduates, with Xuemin Hall designated for female residents only.

Floor Name of Hall Type
19-20 Boyan Hall Postgraduate Co-ed. Hall
17-18 Kaiyuan Hall Undergraduate Co-ed. Hall
15-16 Wuhua Hall Undergraduate Co-ed. Hall
13-14 Chengde Hall Undergraduate Co-ed. Hall
11-12 Wuxian Hall Undergraduate Co-ed. Hall
9-10 Lizhi Hall Undergraduate Co-ed. Hall
7-8 Xuemin Hall Undergraduate Female Hall
5-6 Lisheng Hall Undergraduate Co-ed. Hall
3-4 Minyin Hall Undergraduate Co-ed. Hall

B) Student Halls of Residence (Homantin)

There are 4 individual Halls and 2 Residential Colleges, each occupies 7 wings across 5 floors with a mix of single (for research postgraduates only), double and triple rooms. All are co-ed Halls for both Research Postgraduate and Undergraduate students.

Name of Hall
19-23 Red Hall Co-ed. Hall for both Research Postgraduates and Undergraduates
17-21 Orange Hall Co-ed. Hall for both Research Postgraduates and Undergraduates
12-16 Yellow Hall Co-ed. Hall for both Research Postgraduates and Undergraduates
10-14 CURI Residential College Co-ed. Hall for both Research Postgraduates and Undergraduates
5-9 Blue Hall Co-ed. Hall for both Research Postgraduates and Undergraduates
3-7 STARS Residential College Co-ed. Hall for both Research Postgraduates and Undergraduates
2) Options of Room Types

A) Student Halls of Residence (Hung Hom)

  1. double room with bunk-bed setting in a conventional 4-person-suite;
  2. double room with two-single-bed setting in a conventional 4-person-suite;
  3. a suite with two single rooms (for research postgraduate students only); 

B) Student Halls of Residence (Homantin), including Residential Colleges

  1. double room in a 9-person-cluster;
  2. triple room in a 9-person-cluster;
  3. single room (for research postgraduates only);
  4. independent triple room (for research postgraduates only). 
3) Hall Application

A) Two Phases of Hall Application

  1. Phase I is meant for eligible current students. They should send in their application in the second semester of each academic year, usually in April.
  2. Phase II is meant for eligible freshmen. They should send in their application in summer, usually in August

Late applications will generally not be accepted. Thus, it is particularly important for non-local students to submit their hall application duly before the deadline. In case late application is accepted, an administration fee of $200 will be charged.

Students are advised to watch out for the announcement from the Student Resources and Support Section (SRSS) of Student Affairs Office (SAO) about hall application and note the details about the schedule and procedures.

B) Announcement of Result

The applicants will be informed of the result of their application via e-mail. If they do not receive the email as scheduled, they should take the initiative to check the result by email to:

a) Successful Applicants

Successful applicants should indicate their acceptance of hall offer through an online system within a specified period, otherwise it will be assumed that they will not take the offer. Their offers will then be given to other students on the waiting list. Requests for resuming the declined offers will not be considered in general. In case the applicants could provide strong justifications and are provided with an offer again, they will be required to pay an administration fee of $200.
Successful applicants will then be issued a debit note of Hall fees via their PolyU email account. They need to settle the payment before the deadline. Failure to do so will lead to the withdrawal of the hall offer by the University.
Upon acceptance of the hall offer, students will have to pay the hall cancellation fee if they subsequently decide not to take the offer.

b) Applicants on Waiting List

Applicants who are not provided with an offer at the initial stage will be placed on the waiting list, prioritized according to their admission score. Students will be contacted by the Hall Administration when there are residential places available. The waiting list, if any, will be dissolved by 31 March each year.

c) Disqualified Applicants

Applicants will be disqualified for the hall application if they are found providing false or misleading information in their hall application. Such cases may be referred to the Student Discipline Committee of the University for appropriate follow-up actions.

C) Appeal

Applicants are allowed to appeal against their application results in writing to the Hall Administration within 7 days after the announcement of the Hall application result. (e-mail address:

4) Hall Allocation

A) Allocation among Hung Hom Halls, Homantin Halls and Residential Colleges

Applicants can indicate their preferred choice of Student Halls of Residence or Residential College in their applications. Kindly note that Residential Colleges have their own admission criteria and policies. Please refer to the website of individual Residential College for details. While the Hall Administration will try to accommodate their preference, it is also necessary and important to maintain an appropriate mix of residents. Once the allocation is made, applications for transfer to another Student Halls of Residence will not be entertained within the same academic year, including summer semester. Residents of Homantin Halls may apply to transfer to Residential College, and vice versa, subject to the approval of the relevant Hall Wardens and Residential College Masters.

B) Allocation of Individual Hall within a Student Halls of Residence

Allocation to individual Hall will also be made according to students’ choice as far as practicable, thus ensuring a good sense of belonging to the Hall. It is however also necessary and important to maintain an appropriate mix of residents. For students with the same score, they will be prioritised by the “random number” assigned to their applications.

5) Room Type Allocation

Successful applicants will be allocated a room type (e.g. double room, triple room) according to their choices indicated in their hall applications as far as possible. When a certain room type is over subscribed, the priority will be determined by the random number assigned to their application.

There are two different settings of double rooms (either with a bunk-bed or two single-bed) at Hung Hom Halls. Applicants choosing Hung Hom Halls are advised to take a look at the setting before indicating their choice. Upon acceptance of the offer, applicants are supposed to have agreed with the room/bed type allocated to them by random. Discontent with the bed type will not be accepted as the reason for changing room/hall.

Applicants with Homantin Halls offer should be aware that the room type allocated is tentative only. There are chances that applicants without roommates may be assigned to another room type in order to better utilize the hall places.

6) Room Allocation and Room-mate Selection

A) Returning Students (Year 2 or above)

Upon settlement of Hall Lodging Fees, students can indicate their preference about room-mate through an on-line system.

The Hall Administration will allocate the rooms for all students according to their preference as far as practicable. Students who have not indicated their preferences for room types, or roommates/suite-mates will be assigned randomly.

B) Freshmen and Exchange Students

The Hall Administration will be responsible for allocating rooms, roommates and suite-mates to the freshmen and exchange students. Students can apply for change room or hall (within the same Student Halls) after the Adaptation Period. In case of dispute, the decision of the Hall Administration is final.

C) Room Change

All residents are required to reside in the rooms assigned. If they want to change rooms, they need to submit application for room change after the Adaptation period. In any case of dispute, the decision of the Hall Administration is final.

D) Special Remarks for Hung Hom Halls

a. Residents taller than 6’2” will have priority to go for " Rooms with extendable beds".
b. There are a limited number of wheel-chair friendly rooms. Students with special needs have to consult the Hall Administration to see if their needs can be accommodated within reasonable time-frame.
c. After meeting the demand of wheel-chair users or students with special need, the wheel-chair friendly rooms will be assigned to other students. Those students may be requested to change to other rooms if their rooms are required by other needy students.

Note: In Homantin Halls, all beds are extendable and all rooms are suitable for wheelchair users.

7) Personal Information

It is the applicants’ responsibility to provide all the information requested in the application form and produce documentary proof to the SRSS upon request. Upon completion of the Hall admission, the data of successful applicants will become part of the hall residential records. Applicants are advised to read the Personal Information Collection Statement here and on the Hall Application form carefully before submitting of their hall application.

It is the students’ responsibility to inform the Warden or the Hall Administration timely upon any changes of their personal particulars or student status e.g. change of emergency contact of next-of-kin, change in mode of study, and deferment or withdrawal of study.

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