Prof. Horace Mui
CURI Residential College Master
Welcome to the CURI Residential College (CURI RC)!
I am Horace Mui, Interim Dean of Students and Professor of the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering. Studies and best practices around the world have shown that a sustainable student life depends on different student affairs teams that practice beyond-the-classroom pedagogical approaches, especially in the living environment. Students can acquire free inquiry-based learning and innovation skills through scholarly activities in a residential environment.
While PolyU’s Student Halls of Residence foster the integration of local and non-local students, the CURI RC provides fertile ground for collaborative learning and joint research beyond the classroom. With a theme of “Achieving Academic and Research Excellence through Inquiry-based Learning”, CURI RC is a living and learning environment that offers dynamic opportunities to facilitate the holistic development of its residents through different theme-based academic and co-curricular activities such as high table dinners, research seminars, inspirational talks, community services and small-scale experimental innovation projects.
Through the warmth, love, sharing and companionship that living together generates, I believe that we, all CURI RC education staff members and student residents, will create a new era of residential education that nurtures creativity, motivates innovation, and encourages the pursuing of lifelong learning.
- Room 1011
- Warden Office Tel: 39962083, Campus Office Tel: 27665835
- horace.mui@polyu.edu.hk