
Sept 2025 Entry


2 years


Normally 64 (plus 6 training credits) 

27 senior year places (Subject to approval)
  • The curriculum of this programme, including the credit requirements, is subject to review.

  • The exact study duration and number of credits to be transferred will depend on the entry qualification of individual AD/HD admittees and the University regulations.

Entry Scholarship

  • To recognise the outstanding academic performance of students, the department will grant entry scholarship with total amount up to HK$30,000 to eligible students admitted to the programme via Non-JUPAS local senior year admission.  Details can be found at It is subject to change and will be announced on department website in due course.
Application Deadline
Non-JUPAS Local Senior Year Admissions
About Programme
Specific Notes
How to Apply
Aims & Characteristics

Programme Aims and Learning Outocomes

Managing logistics is an interesting but complex task. It involves the effective management of materials, information and finance in a network of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and customers.


This programme aims to produce logistics engineers and professionals who are competent in the design, implementation, control and execution of logistics systems and related technologies, and to develop the ability of students to manage complex systems of business, logistics and technology for increasingly technology-enabled logistics businesses.



Programme Characteristics

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University possesses a broad array of expertise and talent that spans the whole spectrum of logistics. This programme provides comprehensive training in logistics, in areas ranging from logistics systems, facility design, logistics information systems, supply chain management to operations management. It also provides the essential general management and business skills that are needed to manage and run modern logistics companies.

Recognition & Prospects

Professional Recognition

The programme has been granted full accreditation by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) as a professional engineering degree programme recognised by other Washington Accord signatories.

The Washington Accord is an international agreement between bodies responsible for accrediting engineering degree programmes.  Currently, it has 20 signatories, including the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and New Zealand.

Graduates will also be granted full exemption (Logistics Stream) from the Professional Qualifying Examination (PQE) leading to the Chartered Membership of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK).


Career Prospects

Graduates typically become management trainees, logistics engineers, distribution analysts/officers, logistics analysts, logistics officers in government offices, business executives/analysts, system analysts/designers or young entrepreneurs. Moreover, a wide range of job opportunities suitable for our graduates are available in industry, business, services and the government sector. Most graduates rise up to managerial positions after some years of work experience.


Students are admitted to the senior year of the 4-year degree programme. They must complete all of the following subjects to fulfil the credit requirement for graduation.

General University Requirement (GUR) (minimum 9 credits)

Subjects are mandated by the University as part of the broad based education for every student. Students are also expected to meet the equivalent standard of the Undergraduate Degree Language and Communication Requirement (LCR). 

Core Subjects (2 subjects of 2 credits each, 15 subjects of 3 credits each, total 49 credits)

Professional Communication in English for Engineering Students (2 credits), Professional Communication in Chinese (2 credits), Industrial Engineering Techniques and Methods, Packaging and Storage Technology, Logistics Automation, Planning of Production and Service Systems, Business Law, Mobile Technologies for Logistics Systems, Management Science, E-Commerce and Logistics, Production Logistics, Simulation of Logistics Systems, Logistics Information Management, Supply Chain Analytics, Society and the Engineer, Project Management, Green Legislation and Supply Chain Logistics.

Individual Project (6 credits)


IC Training (6 training credits)

Computing Tools in Resources Planning and Analysis, Integrated Project, ERP Advanced.

Work-Integrated Education (WIE)

Work-Integrated education (WIE) has been incorporated into the course of studies to ensure that students gain real-life work experience that is relevant to their study disciplines, and to enhance their all-round development. Each student must attain a minimum of one WIE training credit, i.e. a completion of at least 2 weeks/80 hours of full-time training, or the equivalent, before graduation.

Summer Placement

Summer placement opportunities may be provided to students to enable them to gain practical work experience.

Student Exchange Programme

Students also have the opportunity to participate in a student exchange programme with universities in countries such as the United States, Canada, Sweden and Finland for one semester.

Credit Required for Graduation

Normally 64 (plus 6 training credits) 

Scheme/Programme Leader(s)

Dr Nick Chung
BEng (HKU), MPhil (HKU), PhD (HKU)

Entrance Requirements
  • An Associate Degree or a Higher Diploma in Engineering, Business or related disciplines.

  • Suitable applicants will be invited to attend an interview, which aims to evaluate their potential for and interest in the programme, and to test their language and communication skills.


For further programme information, please contact:

ISE enquiry (tel: 2766 6597; email:

Student Message

Many people have never heard of logistics, but it is everywhere in our daily lives – from small gadgets to the machinery at a building site. I am honoured to be one of the students in the Logistics Engineering with Management programme. In year one, we have interesting and useful Cluster-Area Requirements and leadership subjects that sharpen our skills and nourish our personal development. I initially felt nervous while I was getting used to life at PolyU. Luckily, Dr Choy, the Programme Leader, really cares for his students and was willing to spend time talking to us. Everyone I have met at PolyU has been so friendly, always willing to help you when you are in need. I now feel excited and energised about my life at PolyU. I’ve joined a number of programmes, such as the exchange tour to Beijing in the coming summer, different talks organized by famous speakers and serving as a student helper at PolyU events. These programmes have helped me get to know the campus and broaden my horizons. I would like to thank everyone I have met at PolyU. Without you, my life here would not be so fruitful. I look forward to receiving more treasured opportunities in the future.

Leung Hiu Yan

The curriculum of the BSc(Hons) in Logistics Engineering with Management (LEM) programme incorporates the study of logistics, engineering and business. It aims to provide students with a comprehensive education through a variety of learning opportunities, such as field trips. To sharpen students’ competitive edge in the job market, the programme also puts significant emphasis on the development of their presentation and organization skills. The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering offers many additional opportunities for students to broaden their horizons and apply the knowledge acquired through their studies to their daily lives and careers. During the summer holiday, I was pleased to be given the chance to join a study tour to mainland China. The trip taught me many practical skills including interpersonal, communication and problem-solving skills, all of which will play important roles in my future career.

Finally, I am proud to serve as the class representative for LEM. Meeting with professors and sharing students’ comments on the curriculum helps me build closer relationships with both parties and develop a strong sense of belonging to the Department. I am glad to be studying at PolyU and I believe my education here will equip me well for a brighter future.

Yu On Yee
Additional Documents Required
Transcript / Certificate


Interview Arrangement

To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme, and to test their language and communication skills.

Date of Interview
Between November 2024 and July 2025

About 10-15 minutes

Individual interview (online)
  • Suitable applicants will be invited to interviews.
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