
Sept 2025 Entry


2 years


Normally 67 academic credits (plus training credits) 

21 senior year places (subject to approval)
  • The curriculum of this programme, including the credit requirements, is subject to review.

  • The exact study duration and number of credits to be transferred will depend on the entry qualification of individual AD/HD admittees.

Application Deadline
Non-JUPAS Local Senior Year Admissions
About Programme
Specific Notes
How to Apply
Aims & Characteristics

Biomedical engineering is recognized around the world as one of the fastest growing areas of innovation. It covers a wide spectrum of applications, such as devices used by health professionals in their diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative practices; implants that are placed in patients for their health maintenance; wearable sensor networks to enhance athletic performance and safety; prostheses, orthoses, and assistive devices that are used by people with special needs to facilitate their daily activities; and healthcare products and exercise equipment for general health promotion.


This developing global field requires professionals who understand both the health issues that motivate these technologies and the engineering solutions that they offer. It needs individuals with a solid foundation in both health sciences and engineering technologies.


Our BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Engineering programme prepares students for such a challenging career. They have opportunities to take subjects in both life sciences and engineering, and to integrate these concepts in interdisciplinary applications to improve human health.


In addition to building on foundation knowledge through classes on campus, students also engage in practical learning through an industrial internship/clinical attachment (280 hours industrial internship for BME stream or BME with SST* stream students; and 560 hours clinical attachment for BME with P&O stream students). These internships/attachments offer good opportunities for students to put what they have learned into practice and accumulate work experience for their future careers. Internships/attachments take place in industries and hospitals, and some of our students participate in overseas placements (e.g. in Canada, China, Czech Republic, Japan, Singapore, the UK and the USA).

* (Pending Approval)


Exchange opportunities are available with our overseas partner institutes:

Students also have opportunities to join the Faculty-level and University-level exchange programmes.

Recognition & Prospects

Professional Recognition

The programme has been granted full accreditation by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE).

Students who complete the prosthetics or orthotics subjects offered in the programme are eligible to sit for the certification examination of the Hong Kong Society of Certified Prosthetist-Orthotists (HKSCPO). This programme has been accredited by the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) as a Category I professional programme.


Career Prospects

Professional Engineering Practice

  • Graduates working in medical device industrial settings, hospitals, government departments, medical device regulatory firms or other biomedical institutions, can apply their knowledge of various dimensions of biomedical engineering, such as clinical engineering, entrepreneurship, quality assurance and regulatory affairs, sales and marketing and service engineering.

  • With the emerging interests in investment in research and innovation, design, and manufacturing of sports products from the Hong Kong and Chinese government and private sports companies, ample opportunities will transpire for our graduates to develop their careers in the sports industry.  Graduates can apply their knowledge in sports science and technology and work in the sports product industrial settings as Sports Product Engineers, Sports Product-testing Engineers, Technical Sales Managers, etc to develop or promote innovative sports products to enhance sports experience for the users.


Professional Sports Training and Analytics

  • Graduates will also be equipped to work as Sports Biomechanists, Sports Physiologists, or Sports Performance/ Data Analysts to contribute to elite or professional sports settings to enhance sports performance and management at individual and/ or team levels.


Professional Clinical Practice

  • Graduates can find work in hospitals and other healthcare settings in roles such as prosthetics and orthotics service providers, clinical and rehabilitation engineers, hospital scientific officers and healthcare product customer service providers.


Basic and Applied Research in Engineering, Biology or Medicine

  • Graduates can conduct basic and applied research in universities, hospitals and industry settings.


Students are admitted to the senior year of the programme. They study the following subjects except those for which credit transfers are given due to prior study.


General University Requirement (GUR)

  • Language and Communication Requirements (LCR)

    • Students are also expected to meet the equivalent standard of the Undergraduate Degree Language and Communication Requirements (LCR).

    • Students not meeting the equivalent standard of the Undergraduate Degree LCR will be required to take degree LCR subjects [max. 9 credits: 6 credits in English and 3 credits in Chinese]


  • Cluster-Area Requirements (CAR) 

  • CAR A: Human Nature, Relations and Development

    (3 credits)
  • CAR M: Chinese History and Culture 

    (3 credits)

There are two additional requirements in CAR:

i. Chinese Reading and Writing (CR/CW) Requirements

ii. English Reading and Writing (ER/EW) Requirements

  • Service Learning (3 credits)

  • Essential Components of General Education [Academic Integrity, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA), Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE), and National Education] (a non-credit bearing subject).   


Discipline-Specific Requirement (DSR)

Compulsory Subjects:

  • Applied Electrophysiology (3 credits)

  • Biomechanics (3 credits)

  • Biomedical Engineering Innovation for the Community (3 credits) [It is a double-fulfillment subject of DSR and Service-Learning.]

  • Biomedical Electronics (3 credits)

  • Biomaterials Science and Engineering (3 credits)

  • Biosignal Processing (3 credits)

  • Capstone Project (6 credits)

  • Engineering Design and Biomechatronics (3 credits)

  • Human Anatomy (3 credits) [It is a compulsory subject for BME with SST* and BME with P&O stream students.]

  • Human Physiology (3 credits)

  • Human Pathophysiology (3 credits)

  • Medical Device Regulation (3 credits)

  • Medical Instrumentation and Equipment (3 credits)

  • Professional Communication in Chinese (2 credits)

  • Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (3 credits)

  • Scientific Writing for Biomedical Engineering Students (2 credits)


Elective Subjects:

For BME or  BME with SST stream*

  • AIDA for Health Care and Smart Aging
  • AIDA for Biosignal Processing
  • Applied Exercise Physiology for Performance and Health*^
  • Applied Technology in Sports and Performance Analysis*^
  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis for Sports*^
  • Biomedical Imaging
  • Biosensors: Theories and Biomedical Applications
  • Cellular Engineering
  • Clinical Engineering and Medical Technology Management
  • Digital Design and Fabrication for Healthcare Services
  • MedTech Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Neuroengineering
  • Sports Product Design and Engineering*^

^ Specific elective subjects for BME with SST * stream

For BME, students are required to take 7 subjects with a total of 21 credits.

For BME with SST*, students are required to take 6 subjects with a total of 18 credits, including the 4 electives listed above specified for BME with SST stream.


For BME with P&O stream

  • Above-Knee Prosthetics
  • Below-Knee Prosthetics
  • Knee and Above-Knee Orthotics
  • Pedorthics Foot and Ankle-Foot Orthotics
  • Spinal Orthotics
  • Upper Limb Orthotics
  • Upper Limb Prosthetics

For BME with P&O, students are required to take 7 stipulated subjects with a total of 28 credits.

Work Integrated Education (WIE) 
For BME stream or BME with SST* Students: Biomedical Engineering Industrial Internship (4 training credits)

For BME with P&O stream Students: Biomedical Engineering Clinical Attachment I (4 training credits) & Biomedical Engineering Clinical Attachment II (4 training credits)

Industrial Centre Training
Material Processing and Technical Communication (5 training credits)


More information on the full curriculum can be found here.


* (Pending Approval)

Credit Required for Graduation

Normally 67 academic credits (plus training credits) 

Scheme/Programme Leader(s)

Dr. Hin Chung LAU

Entrance Requirements
  • An Associate Degree or a Higher Diploma in a relevant discipline from a recognised institution.


  • In addition to academic results, applicants' communication skills, participation in extra-curricular activities and interview performance will also be considered.


For further information, please contact:

The General Office (tel: 3400 8577; email:

Student Message

The Biomedical Engineering (BME) programme offered at PolyU prepares students for numerous career opportunities. The combination of academic studies in multiple disciplines providing knowledge and practical training delivering experience supplies students with the tools necessary to thrive in the future.


There are many opportunities to assist professors in their many projects. Personally, during my first year of study, I had the opportunity to co-author a paper on individuals with unilateral transfemoral amputation with Dr. Kobayashi from PolyU, a Ph.D. student, and Dr. Hobara and his team from Japan. PolyU also has funded an initiative called the Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scheme which allowed my friends and me to propose a project to create a novel ankle-foot orthosis. The project was approved and we were provided with adequate funding, as well as a scholarship that could be used for personal monetary needs. We hope to produce a successful product at the end of our funding next year.


Hong Kong is a vibrant city filled with opportunities and fun activities. My classmates are extremely friendly and I have made many friends from many different backgrounds. I hope to meet you too at PolyU!

KOH Wen Pin Mark

PolyU’s Biomedical Engineering programme is the ideal choice for students seeking rich interdisciplinary knowledge and a flexible career path. Taking courses in different disciplines allows students to explore innovative ways to apply their knowledge in the field of medicine and healthcare.


During my studies so far, I have had many opportunities to test my ideas and challenge myself academically. Hands-on freshman projects and sophomore R&D projects familiarised me with the technical and nontechnical processes involved in implementing an idea. Beyond the programme’s mandatory projects, BME is always excited to see students step out of their comfort zones and engage in co-curricular activities. For example, I joined Dr Wen’s laboratory last year as a student assistant and translated my work into a project for a start-up company founded by a graduate of BME (Toby Li). I plan to further extend this work in a capstone project in the coming year!


As well as nurturing professional expertise, PolyU encourages students to develop healthy habits and become well-rounded individuals. I was selected to join the University’s men’s tennis team in my freshman year. For the last three years, I have trained hard and entered several competitions. Spending time with my wonderful teammates and coaches is a highlight of my university life.

SZE Sheung Wang, Selwyn

Eager to solve clinical problems with biomedical knowledge, I enrolled in the BSc(Hons) in Biomedical Engineering with Prosthetics and Orthotics at PolyU. I won a place on the Dean’s Honours List and achieved a lot as a student, researcher, and entrepreneur.


The Road to Becoming a Clinical Practitioner and Researcher

I have always aspired to become a frontline clinical practitioner to help those in need. Therefore, I chose to study an additional specialist area, Prosthetics and Orthotics (P&O), as part of my BSc programme. Through clinical attachments, I discovered key shortcomings in knee osteoarthritis (KOA) disease management in hospitals.


To address these problems, I decided to leverage a self-learned artificial intelligence (AI) tool in a capstone project entitled “A Time-dependent Machine-learning-based Prediction System for Progression of Knee Osteoarthritis”, under the supervision of Dr Chunyi Wen, now Associate Professor in the BME Department. This AI-based system helps to predict a person’s likelihood of developing KOA, with interpretable results. It could prove to be a valuable tool for devising accurate and personalised KOA therapeutic plans.


Based on the success of this project, I was invited to speak at an international medical congress and authored two scholarly papers. My project, representing the Faculty of Engineering, was also recognised by PolyU under the Outstanding Work by Students scheme. The project write-up was archived by the University Library in 2020 – one of only 16 accepted that year.


I continued my academic journey by pursuing a part-time MPhil in Biomedical Engineering and developed a KOA prognostic model for primary healthcare to aid community-based disease screening. I also became a prosthetist–orthotist to gain clinical exposure and networking opportunities.


My BME Entrepreneurship Adventure

Building on my undergraduate capstone project, I co-founded the company Clinical AI Research Limited (CLAIRE) with the vision of using AI to solve clinical problems and thereby ameliorating chronic disease management whilst also safeguarding public health. Endorsed by the Department, I started to enter local and international competitions. Thanks to the hard work of my talented team and academic support from the Department, CLAIRE is now on the way to becoming a successful start-up company. It has received five entrepreneurship awards and four innovation awards so far, and its findings have been covered in two academic presentations, four project showcases, and four items of media coverage.

LI Ho Hin, Toby
Additional Documents Required
Transcript / Certificate


Employer's Recommendation

If applicable

Interview Arrangement

To evaluate applicant's potential and interest in the programme, and to observe student's communication skills, logical thinking, and interpersonal skills.

Date of Interview
From November 2024 to April 2025

15 minutes

Online interviews via Zoom or Microsoft Teams with a panel
  • Selected applicants will be invited for interview.
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