Subject Syllabi
Subject Syllabi
- EE1D01 Electrical Science for Everyone
- EE2S01 Low-cost Energy Infrastructures for Developing Regions
- EIE1D02 Electronic Music: The Impact of Technology on Digital Lifestyle (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE1D03 Artificial Intelligence and Science Fiction
- EIE1D04 Cyber Security Essentials
- EIE1005 Fundamental AI and Data Analytics
- EIE2S02 Promoting Digital Literacy in Developing Societies
- EEE1101 Industrial Placement Fundamentals
- EEE2001 Applied Electromagnetics
- EEE2002 Electrical Energy Systems Fundamentals
- EEE2003 Transportation Engineering Fundamentals
- EEE3101 Industrial Placement
- EE2001/EE2001A/EE2001B Applied Electromagnetics
- EE2002/EE2002B Circuit Analysis
- EE2003/EE2003A/EE2003B Electronics
- EE2004/EE2004A Electrical Energy Systems Fundamentals
- EE2029/EE2029B Transportation Engineering Fundamentals
- EE2101/IC2105 Engineering Communication and Fundamentals
- EE2102/EE2102A/IC2112 IC Training I (EE)
- EE2103/EE2103B/IC2113 IC Training I (TSE)
- EE2901S Basic Electricity & Electronics
- EE3001/EE3001A Analogue and Digital Circuits
- EE3002/EE3002A/EE3002B Electromechanical Energy Conversion
- EE3003/EE3003A/EE3003B Power Electronics and Drives
- EE3004/EE3004A Power Transmission and Distribution
- EE3005/EE3005A/EE3005B Systems and Control
- EE3006/EE3006A Analysis Methods for Engineers
- EE3007/EE3007A Computer System Principles
- EE3008/EE3008A/EE3008B Linear Systems and Signal Processing
- EE3009/EE3009A Electrical Services in Buildings
- EE3010/EE3010A/EE3010B Summer Practical Training
- EE3012/EE3012B Transport Operations Modelling
- EE3013/EE3013B Transportation Data Analytics
- EE4003/EE4003A Electrical Machines
- EE4004/EE4004A/EE4004B Power Systems
- EE4006/EE4006A/EE4006B Individual Project
- EE4007/EE4007A/EE4007B Advanced Power Electronics
- EE4008/EE4008A/EE4008B Applied Digital Control
- EE4012/EE4012A Intelligent Buildings
- EE4014/EE4014A/EE4014B Intelligent Systems Applications in Electrical Engineering
- EE4019/EE4019B Intelligent Transportation Systems
- EE4024/EE4011A/EE4011B Industrial Computer Applications
- EE460 Energy Policy and Management
- EIE1003 Foundations of Data Science
- EIE1004 Introduction to Information and Artificial Intelligence Engineering
- EIE2100 Basic Circuit Analysis
- EIE2101 Basic Circuit Analysis
- EIE2102 Basic Electronics
- EIE2105 Digital and Computer Systems
- EIE2108 Fundamentals of Internet and Multimedia Technologies
- EIE2110 Basic Circuit Analysis and Electronics
- EIE2111 Computer Programming
- EIE2112 Foundation Techniques in Artificial Intelligence
- EIE2113 Introduction to Internet of Things
- EIE2211 Logic Design
- EIE2261 Logic Design
- EIE2282 Information Technology
- EIE2302 Electricity and Electronics
- EIE2901/IC2114 Industrial Centre Training I for EIE
- EIE2902/IC2115 Industrial Centre Training for EIE
- EIE2903/IC2140 Practical Training
- EIE3100 Analogue Circuit Fundamentals
- EIE3101 Computer Animation (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE3103 Digital Signals and Systems
- EIE3105 Integrated Project
- EIE3106 Integrated Project
- EIE3109 Mobile Systems and Application Development
- EIE3112 Database System
- EIE3117 Integrated Project
- EIE3120 Network Technologies and Security
- EIE3123 Dynamic Electronic Systems
- EIE3124 Fundamentals of Machine Intelligence
- EIE3127 Artificial Intelligence Enabled Internet of Things
- EIE3128 IoT Project
- EIE3129 IoT Security
- EIE3130 Network Security
- EIE3305 Integrated Analogue and Digital Circuits
- EIE3311 Computer System Fundamentals
- EIE3312 Linear Systems
- EIE3320 Object-Oriented Design and Programming (IMT) (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE3320 Object-Oriented Design and Programming (AIIE & INS)
- EIE3331 Communication Fundamentals
- EIE3333 Data and Computer Communications
- EIE3343 Computer Systems Principles
- EIE3360 Integrated Project
- EIE3373 Microcontroller Systems and Interface
- EIE3901/IC382 Multidisciplinary Manufacturing Project
- EIE4100 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
- EIE4102 IP Networks
- EIE4104 Mobile Networking
- EIE4105 Multimodal Human Computer Interaction Technology
- EIE4106 Network Management and Security (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE4108 Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE4110 Introduction to VLSI and Computer-Aided Circuit Design
- EIE4113 Wireless and Mobile Systems
- EIE4114 Digital Forensics for Crime Investigation
- EIE4116 Surveillance Studies and Technologies
- EIE4117 Capstone Project
- EIE4118 Intrusion Detection and Penetration Test (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE4119 Mobile Device System Architecture (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE4121 Machine Learning in Cyber-security
- EIE4122 Deep Learning and Deep Neural Networks
- EIE4123 Healthcare Technology
- EIE4124 Modern Robotics
- EIE4125 Power Conversion Technology for Energy Harvesting
- EIE4126 Capstone Project
- EIE4127 Capstone Project
- EIE4402 Power Electronics (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE4413 Digital Signal Processing (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE4428 Multimedia Communications
- EIE4430 Honours Project
- EIE4431 Digital Video Production and Broadcasting
- EIE4432 Web Systems and Technologies (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE4433 Honours Project
- EIE4435 Image and Audio Processing
- EIE4449 Optical Communication Systems and Networks (View the Introductory Video here)
MSc Subjects
- EEE5R03 Engineering Ethics and Academic Integrity
- EEE5T03 Engineering Ethics and Academic Integrity
- EEE501 Microelectronic Devices and Fabrication
- EEE502 The Physics of Semiconductor
- EEE503 Microphotonics and Quantum Photonic Systems
- EEE504 Wafer Fabrication and Laboratory
- EEE505 Design and Simulation of Photonic Circuits
- EEE506 Introduction to Wide-bandgap Semiconductors
- EEE507 Quantum Microdevices
- EEE508 VLSI Technology and Design
- EEE509 Micro- and Nano-photonic Semiconductor Devices
- EEE510 Introduction to Quantum Physics
- EEE511 Fundamental Quantum Information
- EEE512 Quantum Optics
- EEE513 Introduction to Quantum Computing
- EEE514 Quantum Communication
- EEE515 Lasers
- EEE516 Research Project
- EEE521 Tomorrow’s Leader in Electric Vehicles
- EEE522 Autonomous Vehicles
- EEE523 Economics and Markets in Power Systems and Electrified Transportation
- EEE524 Green Technology and Policy in Electrical Engineering
- EEE525 Smart Transportation for Green Cities
- EEE531 Spoken Language Processing
- EE502 Modern Protection Methods
- EE505 Power System Control and Operation
- EE509 High Voltage Engineering
- EE512 Electric Vehicles
- EE520 Intelligent Motion Systems
- EE521 Industrial Power Electronics
- EE526 Power System Analysis and Dynamics
- EE528 System Modelling and Optimal Control
- EE530 Electrical Energy Saving Systems
- EE533 Railway Power Supply Systems
- EE535 Maintenance and Reliability Engineering
- EE536 Signalling and Train Control Systems
- EE537 Railway Vehicles
- EE545 Modern Generation and Grid Integration Technologies
- EE546 Electric Energy Storage and New Energy Sources for Electric Vehicles
- EE548 Advanced Electric Vehicle Technology
- EE549 Modern Sensor Technologies
- EE570 Design and Analysis of Smart Grids
- EIE509 Satellite Communications - Technology and Applications (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE511 VLSI System Design
- EIE515 Advanced Optical Communication Systems
- EIE522 Pattern Recognition: Theory & Applications
- EIE529 Digital Image Processing
- EIE546 Video Technology (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE553 Security in Data Communication (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE557 Computational Intelligence and its Applications
- EIE558 Speech Processing and Recognition (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE560 Microelectronics Processing and Technologies
- EIE563 Digital Audio Processing
- EIE566 Wireless Communications
- EIE567 Wireless Power Transfer Technologies (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE568 IoT - Tools and Applications (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE569 Sensor Networks (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE570 Deep Learning with Photonics
- EIE571 Photonic System Analysis
- EIE572 Information Photonics
- EIE573 Mobile Edge Computing
- EIE575 Vehicular Communications and Inter-Networking Technologies (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE577 Optoelectronic Devices
- EIE579 Advanced Telecommunication Systems
- EIE580 RF and Microwave Integrated Circuits for Communication System Applications
- EIE587 Channel Coding (View the Introductory Video here)
- EIE589 Wireless Data Network
- EEE6002 Practicum
- EEE6011-EEE6013 Special Topics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering I/II/III
- EEE6200 Methodology for Engineering and Scientific Research
- EEE6201-EEE6204 Research Seminar I/II/III/IV
- EEE6207 Theoretical Fundamental and Engineering Approaches for Intelligent Signal and Information Processing
- EEE6521 Industrial Power Electronics
- EEE6530 Electrical Energy-Saving Systems
- EE6001(J,K,L,M) Research Seminar I/II/III/IV
- EE6002 Practicum
- EE6521 Industrial Power Electronics
- EE6530 Electrical Energy-Saving Systems
- EE6811-EE6813 Special Topics in Advanced Power System I/II/III
- EE6821-EE6823 Special Topics in Advanced Utilisation I/II/III
- EE6831-EE6833 Special Topics in Advanced Control System I/II/III
- EE6841-EE6843 Special Topics in Advanced Fiber Optic I/II/III
- EE6851-EE6853 Special Topics in Smart Materials and Structures I/II/III
- EIE6200 Methodology for Engineering and Scientific Research
- EIE6207 Theoretical Fundamental and Engineering Approaches for Intelligent Signal and Information Processing
- EIE6811-EIE6813 Guided Study in Electronic and Information Engineering I/II/III
- EIE621-EIE623 Special Topics in Electronic and Information Engineering I/II/III