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Nikon Eclipse Ti2-E Live-cell Fluorescence Imaging System

The Nikon Eclipse Ti2-E live-cell imaging system is an inverted, fully motorised, large field-of-view wide-field fluorescence microscope equipped with a collection of state-of-the-art features for live-cell and large-tissue tile imaging.

Discount for long-duration bookings:

  • Applicable to consecutive bookings of 8 hours or longer
  • A 50% discount will be applied to any segments that fall within non-office hours (i.e., from 6 pm to 9 am on weekdays, and the whole days on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
  • Price adjustments, if any, will be made after the completion of the imaging session
  • The ULS reserves the right to interpret these terms


  • Marienfeld no. 1.5H 18 mm round coverglass ($148; 100 pcs)
  • MatTek 35 mm no. 1.5 glass bottom culture dish ($190; 10 pcs)
  • Nunc Lab-Tek II no. 1.5 8-well chambered coverglass ($755; 8 pcs)
  • ProLong Diamond antifade mountant ($428; 2 mL)
  • ProLong Live antifade reagent ($333; 1 mL)
  • EMS 16% paraformaldehyde ($116; 10 mL)


Dr. Idy Ho

Scientific Officer

Dr. Michael Yuen

Senior Scientific Officer

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