NGS Run Service
- ULS accepts individual tubes of single library or library pool for NGS run service. Library preparation should be carried out by users.
- Index information for library pooling must be included in the library submission form.
- Library QC (bioanalyzer for average size and Qubit for concentration) is included per library or library pool.
- ULS provides base calling analysis.
- Sequencing results will be delivered in BCL or FASTQ formats.
- Please consult the staff-in-charge about price, sample requirements and sample preparations, etc.
Service charges
By quotation. Please contact the staff-in-charge for details.
Scientific Officer
- Z215
- 34008057
- hoyin.chow@polyu.edu.hk
Scientific Officer
- Z215
- 34008984
- alan.sl.leung@polyu.edu.hk