Nikon SMZ1270i fluorescence stereomicroscope
- Parallel-optics and zooming type system
- Objectives that offer long working distances (WDs) and wide viewfields:
- Plan Apo 1x/WF; WD 70 mm
- ED Plan 2×/WF; WD 35 mm
- Highest-in-class zoom ratio of 12.7× (i.e., 0.63-8×)
- "Intelligent nosepiece" to feed objective magnification and zoom ratio information to the camera control unit
- Illumination options:
- Episcopic illumination with double-arm fibre illuminator
- Diascopic bright-field illumination
- Oblique coherent contrast (OCC) illumination with contrast adjustment
- Episcopic fluorescence illumination with multi-wavelength LED illumination system
Usage rate
(waived for users who have a concurrent booking of the Zeiss Lightsheet Z.1 Microscope)
- Internal users: $25
- Collaborators: $50
- External users: $125
Senior Scientific Officer
- Y208
- 34008788
- michael.yf.yuen@polyu.edu.hk
Scientific Officer
- Z215
- 34008984
- alan.sl.leung@polyu.edu.hk