Promethion Metabolic Cage System
Promethion Metabolic Cage Systems
The Promethion metabolic Cage Systems are designed for metabolic and behavioral phenotyping of mice by measuring and recording numerous parameters in a user-adjustable environmental control cabinet. O2 consumption and CO2 production by mice are measured to devise the respiratory quotient that reflects energy expenditure. The horizontal and vertical movement (i.e., XYZ-axis) of the mice in the metabolic cage and their movement on the running wheels are monitored for a quantitative measurement of physical activity. The food (with access control device) and water consumption, as well as the body masses of mice are also recorded by the system. These metabolic and behavioral data are recorded real-time and can later be comprehensively analyzed with the supplied software.
The ULS offers two sets of Promethion metabolic cage systems (8 cages each). Researchers can have the flexibility to use a total of 16 cages in the same set of experiments, or to carry out 2 sets of independent experiments simultaneously.
Hourly rate
- Internal users: $9
- Collaborators: $18
- External users: $45
Scientific Officer
- Z215
- 34008984
- alan.sl.leung@polyu.edu.hk
Scientific Officer
- Z215
- 34008056
- rachel.ws.li@polyu.edu.hk