University staff members are expected to maintain high ethical standards, behave with integrity and conduct themselves honestly and appropriately in all aspects.

While the University is committed to the core values of institutional autonomy and academic freedom, these rights should be exercised responsibly, with due respect for the rights of others, and in compliance with the policies and regulations of the University and the laws of Hong Kong.  Staff members should also observe the laws and regulations of respective jurisdictions when performing their duties outside Hong Kong.

Staff members should not conduct themselves in a way which brings, or may bring, their own reputation as a University member or the University into disrepute without reasonable excuse.

Code of Ethics

The University has established a General Code of Ethics which embodies the ethical standards it expects from its staff members. The Code serves as the guiding principles for the everyday conduct of all staff members.

The general principles of the Code include:

(a) Demonstrate commitment to work
(b) Be impartial and fair
(c) Act with integrity and honesty
(d) Avoid and declare conflict of interest
(e) Manage confidential information properly
(f) Respect others, embrace diversity and promote inclusion

In addition to the General Code of Ethics, the University has also established:

(a) Code of Ethics for Teaching
(b) Code of Ethics for Research
(c) Code of Ethics for Teaching or Research Involving Animal Subjects
(d) Code of Ethics for Research Involving Human Subjects

Disciplinary Processes

The University adopts the following guiding principles for handling allegations of staff misconduct:

The University prohibits retaliation against staff members who are involved in the grievance and appeal processes.

The University shall ensure that all concerns to be raised are without malice and in good faith.

Under normal circumstances, the University will not consider anonymous complaints. The University Management may, however, consider such cases on an exceptional basis.

The University has established a fair, transparent and rigorous mechanism for handling appeals and allegations of staff misconduct, namely the Grievances and Human Resources Related Appeals Procedures and Handling of Allegations of Staff Misconduct (supplemented by Arrangements for the Operation of Independent Panel of Inquiry and Arrangements for the Operation of Staff Discipline Committee) to investigate and adjudicate alleged cases.

The operation of the investigation and disciplinary procedures will be in alignment with other staffing processes to ensure proper arrangements are made for the staff member(s) concerned.




Related Documents

General Code of Ethics (restricted access)
- Code of Ethics for Teaching (restricted access)
Code of Ethics for Research (restricted access)