The University is accountable to the public and responsible for ensuring that there is a high level of staff performance. Human resources management serves to enable a sustainable discharge of such performance in alignment with the University’s vision, mission and strategies.
As reflected in the Statements on Human Resource Policies, the University adopts the principle of equal opportunity and meritocracy in human resources management, and strives to provide a stimulating and supportive environment for members of the University to excel in their aspirations. While maintaining capability and diversity of the workforce, the University also embraces fairness, equity, diversity, inclusion and legal compliance throughout its human resource policies.
As a governing process, the University reviews its human resource policies and regulations on a regular basis with inputs from stakeholders. Revisions are made, where necessary, upon deliberation and approval by the University Council/Management.
Furthermore, policy compliance is subject to internal and external audits, which also provide recommendations for continuous improvement. In daily operation, when deviation from the norm is required, the University Management’s special approval may be granted only upon strong justification.
Manpower Planning
The University ensures there is an adequate workforce to support its daily operation and its on-going pursuit for excellence. In this connection, the University adopts a departmental staffing planning process to review and agree on manpower plans on an annual basis. Long-term development goals and succession planning needs are considered in this process. The staffing plan serves to provide a basis for recruitment activities, and the related budget planning and fund allocation process.
Recruitment and Selection
The University conducts an open recruitment process to attract applications for its job vacancies from all possible sources, with a view to filling the vacancies with the best candidates available. University appointment committees composed of members from senior management executives are appointed for the recruitment of professorial roles in academic units and senior professional/management roles in non-academic units.
In the conduct of the recruitment and selection processes, the University complies with established policies and procedures under the Framework for New Appointment, Promotion and Further Appointment of Academic Staff, Paper on Appointment/Further Appointment and Promotion/Transfer of Teaching/Clinical Staff, and Framework for Career Development and Promotion for Non-academic Staff.
Employment Terms and Benefits
The University ensures that all staff members are treated in a fair and equitable manner in compliance with statutory requirements.
The University provides staff members with a competitive remuneration package in comparison with other universities and industry, and a supportive work environment for them to pursue excellence in their careers.
The policy governing the terms and conditions of service of persons in non-temporary employment of the University is approved by the University Council while the policy governing the terms and conditions of service of persons in part-time or temporary employment of the University is approved by the University Management under delegated authority of the Council.
Performance Reward and Sanction
The University fosters a performance culture such that reward and recognition for staff members are linked to their performance under a fair and transparent system.
The University has effective performance review mechanisms in place, namely Staff Appraisal System for Staff at Heads of Unit and above Levels and Staff Appraisal System for Staff other than Heads of Unit and above Levels. Performance of staff members is assessed on an annual basis through a structured process and linked to appropriate rewards as specified in the Salary Review and Adjustment.
The University has a Sanction Policy to manage staff members whose performance is consistently unsatisfactory. The University will assist such staff members to improve their performance, while sanction will be imposed on staff members who fail to achieve the required standards of performance for a prolonged period.
Supportive Workplace and Staff Development
The University is committed to providing a supportive workplace for staff members, taking into consideration their physical, occupational, mental and emotional health needs. An Employee Assistance Programme is in place to provide 24-hour professional counselling service to staff members in need.
The University also fosters staff members’ professional growth through internal training opportunities as well as sponsorship for attending other staff development programmes. A Staff Development Policy is in place to this effect.
Ethics, Outside Activities and Conflict of Interest
The University is accountable to the public and hence is committed to the maintenance of high ethical standards in all aspects of its operation.
The University ensures that staff members’ conduct and behaviour are in accordance with the General Code of Ethics (for details refer to Chapter 3.3).
The University has established an effective system to handle staff discipline cases, complaints, grievances and appeals in a fair and reasonable manner.
Beyond staff members’ core employment at the University, there are regulations governing their participation in outside activities and consultancy work as well as potential conflict of interest, namely Regulation Governing Outside Activities Including Consultancy Work and Regulation Governing Conflict of Interest.
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