The University Research Facility in Life Sciences (ULS) has just acquired a Refeyn Two Mass Photometer , which applies light scattering-based technique to measure the molecular mass of biomacromolecules, e.g., proteins and DNAs, in their native state. This equipment enables highly sensitive, rapid, and lable-free molecular mass measurement and is suitable for a wide range of applications, such as study of protein-protein interactions, determination of protein oligomerization states, assessment of sample purity, etc (refer to the attached brochure for more information).
There will be a hand-on training session(s) provided by the supplier on 27-Feb (Tue). We would like to invite TEN students/colleagues to join the training and each research group might assign ONE member to attend. One or multiple sessions in the morning and afternoon may be held, depending on the number of registered trainees.
Because of the hand-on nature of the training and lab space limitation, quota is limited to TEN and registration will be on first-come-first-served basis. If you are interested in attending the training, please provide me your name, department, and supervisor information and indicate your preference on morning/afternoon session by this Friday (23-Feb) noon.
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact Dr. So Pui-Kin (Email:, Tel: 34008797).