Dressing Workshop (Additional Class)

In order to equip residents with the knowledge of dressing and preparing for attending High Table Dinner and other formal business occasions, dressing workshops are held by hall every year. In this year, dressing workshops were very popular and were full within few days. There was an additional class given by Dr. Derry Law, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, PolyU on 28th October.

Dr. Law has suggested some important tips of dressing up for the guys and gals:-

First, when you receive an invitation card, please make sure about the kinds of location such as formal location or smart casual.

For guys

  • Black tie + tuxedo are the most traditional formal clothing. However it is unnecessary to wear it for the HTD.
  • Loosen suiting is not recommended. The shoulder line of the suit must be fit. It is important to show the cuff. A little bit sharp waist will make you better-looking.
  • Shoes with slightly pointed head look better than others. The heel should have half to one inch, thus making you look taller and smarter.
  • Good suits are identified as not being too stiff. The key point is to find one that close to your body shape. The critical point is to find one that the shoulder point is fitted to your shoulder.
  • No need to follow the trends. If you want to look more outstanding, your tie can be of the colour which has great contrast with your suit.

For gals

  • A simple and black dress is strongly recommended. Dressing with 100% silk is the best.
  • Too much jewellery is not recommended.
  • High-heeled shoes are necessary for making your body shape more charming.
  • Some simple or natural make-up is satisfactory.
  • Undergarment is also important to enhance your whole body shape.

[You can click here to see more photos ]

Written by Frances Li

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