This is the 2019/20 Sustainability Report (hereinafter called “this Report”) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (hereinafter referred to as “PolyU” or “the University”). Titled “Sustainability • Our United Effort”, it illustrates PolyU’s initiatives and achievements in the fiscal year 2019/20 and our vision of pursuing sustainable development for our campus, the environment, and the community, with reference to international reporting best practices.
Reporting scope
This Report covers major sustainability initiatives, achievements and impacts of PolyU’s Main Campus in Hung Hom (with a total area of 94,600 square metres) from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020. Data and statistics in this Report are presented in absolute values and are normalised into comparable terms where appropriate and practicable. For calculation purposes, unless specified, all intensity calculations are based on full-time staff headcounts and full-time equivalent (FTE) students.
There were no significant changes in the size, structure or ownership of PolyU or its supply chain during the reporting period in comparison with the fiscal year 2018/19. There are no restatements on the information disclosed in previous sustainability reports.
Reporting principles
This Report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core option. PolyU follows the GRI Reporting Principles to define report content, including Stakeholder Inclusiveness, Sustainability Context, Materiality and Completeness. To define report quality, GRI Reporting Principles, including Accuracy, Balance, Clarity, Comparability, Reliability and Timeliness, are applied. Please refer to the GRI Content Index for cross-referencing GRI disclosures to corresponding sections of the Report.
An independent third party has verified the accuracy, reliability and credibility of this Report to ensure compliance with the Core option of the GRI Standards. The Verification Statement can be viewed on this menu/link.
Stakeholder engagement and materiality
PolyU understands the essentiality of regular communication with stakeholders in the sustainability context. We engage our stakeholders regularly through various channels, including forums, meetings, surveys, publications and press releases, as well as a variety of activities. The University continuously seeks input from stakeholders on our sustainability performance. PolyU has identified a number of material topics for its sustainability reports since 2017 based on feedback from stakeholders. In 2020, PolyU commissioned the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) to conduct a comprehensive stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment exercise to review environmental, social and economic topics that would have significant impacts on or would be significantly influenced by our operations and stakeholders. Five stakeholder groups, including full-time students, academic and non-academic staff, committee member and senior management, industry partners, and funding organisations, were invited to participate in a series of engagement activities such as a survey, focus group meetings and individual interviews.
Based on the latest stakeholder engagement results and management review, as well as reference from the materiality and boundaries identified for the past reports, ten topics (including six relating to environmental sustainability and four relating to social sustainability) out of a total of 29 topics have been prioritised as material for this Report. As shown in the following materiality matrix, the prioritised material topics refer to those positioned in the upper right corner above the curved cut-off line. In comparison to the previous year’s sustainability report, two new topics―protecting human rights and regulatory compliance―have been added.
Materiality matrix
Prioritised material topics and corresponding boundaries
Categories | Material topics | Corresponding boundaries | |
Within PolyU | Suppliers and contractors | ||
Environmental performance |
Materials | ✔ | |
Energy | ✔ | ✔ | |
Water and effluents | ✔ | ||
Emissions | ✔ | ||
Waste | ✔ | ||
Environmental compliance | ✔ | ||
Social responsibility and human rights | Local communities | ✔ | |
Regulatory compliance | ✔ | ||
Protecting human rights | ✔ | ✔ | |
Non-discrimination | ✔ |