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Building a Sustainable Community

Joint Efforts to Serve Society

Through joint efforts with external intellectuals, designers, entrepreneurs, technologists and community leaders, PolyU endeavours to put its world-class research outcomes to good use. Workable solutions are developed to build a sustainable society. During the reporting year, the University organised a number of knowledge-sharing activities and community engagement projects to encourage collaboration and innovation for social benefits.

Addressing ageing challenges

The rapid ageing population problem in Hong Kong is becoming a major issue. To tackle potential challenges associated with our ageing society, PolyU launched a 3-year programme named “Operation SoInno” in 2018 to tackle the combined impact of “Double Ageing” ― the ageing of people and buildings ― in Hong Kong. The programme leveraged the transdisciplinary forces of academia, non-governmental organisations, professional bodies, corporations, members of the public and the government to promote education, share experience and knowledge, as well as generate innovative ideas and practical solutions, to address social challenges.

The “Down-to-earth Trolley” design

Elderly-friendly trolley for waste-picking

“Operation SoInno” launched the “Empathising with elderly in workplace” project, gathering experts from various disciplines to improve the design of waste-picking trolleys to make them safer and labour-saving for elderly waste pickers.

In the reporting year, PolyU launched the “Collaborative Efforts to Intervene and Prevent Elder Abuse” project, with a view to enhance community awareness for the elder abuse issue. This four-year research project aims to team up our researchers with external experts to develop a protocol for detecting, intervening and preventing elder abuse. Under the project, abuse assessment and follow-up services will be offered to elderly people and abuse cases. An awareness training programme will also be conducted to equip elderly people and their caregivers, as well as professionals and students, with useful knowledge to understand the signals and impact of elder abuse.

Supporting the University Social Responsibility Network

To build a sense of social responsibility beyond the University community and to develop solutions to address global social issues, PolyU has been playing a leading role in the University Social Responsibility Network (USRN). USRN fosters social responsibility-related collaboration among universities around the world. The month of October has been designated the USR Month, during which member universities would demonstrate their commitment by sharing their initiatives.

Students donating blood in the new blood donation vehicle

University Social Responsibility Month 2019: blood donation campaign

PolyU collaborated with the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service to launch a blood donation campaign.

Providing online learning opportunities

Many people have moved their learning or working platform to the internet under COVID-19. In the wake of such transition from a face-to-face mode to online mode, PolyU developed and launched “PolyU & You: Online Lecture Series 2020” to offer learning opportunities to members of the public.

The “PolyU & You: Online Lecture Series 2020”

PolyU & You: Online Lecture Series 2020

A series of online education programmes in 2019/20 to encourage continuous learning beyond the boundary of physical location.