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Fighting the Pandemic Together

Exerting Research Expertise to Combat COVID-19

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, PolyU has been harnessing innovation and expertise to fight the virus through scientific research. Researchers from PolyU and other universities have been working together at an unprecedented pace to develop innovative solutions to combat the pandemic.

The automated multiplex diagnostic system

Automated multiplex diagnostic system

An automated multiplex diagnostic system was developed for testing infectious respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.

AI-assisted system for COVID-19 pneumonia diagnosis and prognosis prediction

AI-assisted diagnostic system

An AI-assisted system can accurately determine the severity level of a patient within a short period.

Conducting anti-pandemic-related research using different statistical models

Anti-pandemic related research

A series of research studies showed the correlation of COVID-19 cases with population factors.

PolyU designs a new 3D-printed face shield to fulfil the imminent needs of medical personnel

3D-printed face shields for medical use and the public

Production lines were developed to manufacture face shields for medical staff and the general public.