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University Sustainability Governance

Sustainability Governance and Management

PolyU has built a comprehensive and sophisticated governance system to manage university operations and sustainable development. As one of the world-leading tertiary institutions in teaching, learning research and knowledge transfer, outstanding governance is the foundation to secure our long-standing position. The University is committed to complying with all principles of good governance, including academic freedom and autonomy, value-added performance to student education and academic advancement, public accountability and social responsibility, transparency, ethics and professionalism.

University governance

Pillars of sustainability governance and management: university governance, campus sustainability management structure, sustainability strategy and policies, and communication with stakeholders

PolyU’s operations and development are steered by an established governance and risk management framework. Adhering to principles of good governance, the Council and Management of PolyU, as well as our proactive Committees, Advisory Groups and Consultation Groups, are devoted to the institutional mission. An internal control system is in place to monitor and ensure compliance with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements.

The Council, the major governing body of the University, is made up of 25 members and supported by 12 committees in accordance with designated terms of reference. The University Court, the supreme advisory body of PolyU, advises the Council on matters of direction. Appointed by the Council as the highest authority body for all academic and related matters, the Senate consists of representatives from Faculties, Academic Departments and the student body. Policies or functional areas related to academic governance are monitored by Faculties or School Boards and standing committees.

The Internal Audit Unit provides consulting services as well as independent and objective assurance to assist the University in achieving its objectives and enhancing operational efficiency by analysing the adequacy and effectiveness of risk management, governance and control processes.

Campus sustainability management

PolyU recognises its obligation as an educational institution to combat global climate change challenges. The Campus Sustainability Committee (CSC) was set up in 2011 to promote sustainability initiatives in education, research and community service, in order to further reinforce the University’s sustainability governance. To provide input on fostering a green culture, CSC continuously promotes sustainability in the planning, development and operation of campus facilities, while overseeing all on-campus sustainability related issues and initiatives.

The Campus Sustainability Office (CSO) assists CSC in executing sustainability policies and coordinating campus sustainability matters. With a vision to reach sustainable excellence, CSO strives to integrate sustainability principles into campus operations and fosters the culture of sustainability across the University community. CSO also oversees the network of Departmental Green Officers who are nominated to facilitate sustainability related initiatives at the departmental level.

Structure of campus sustainability management

Structure of campus sustainability management

Sustainability strategy and policies

To achieve environmental excellence, PolyU continues to integrate sustainability concepts in its operations and uses resources efficiently across the campus.

To strive for sustainable development, the University establishes a Strategic Plan every five years. Consisting of Five Domains, the Strategic Plan 2019/20–2024/25 sets high-level direction for PolyU’s functions and operations in the coming years, in order to address opportunities and challenges faced by the University in social, economic and environmental aspects. Corresponding sustainability policies and guidelines have also been developed to guide actions relating to institutional sustainability and to contribute to the University’s Strategic Plan implementation.

Five domains under the University’s strategic plan (2019/20–2024/25)

Five domains under the University’s strategic plan (2019/20–2024/25)

Sustainability policies and guidelines

Campus sustainability policies Environmental policy Guidelines Sustainable consumption commitments
  • Sustainability Policy
  • Energy and Greenhouse Gas Policy
  • Green Procurement Policy
  • Sustainable Infrastructure Policy
  • Waste Management Policy
  • Water Conservation Policy
  • Paper Reduction Policy
  • Environmental Policy
  • Green Promotion and Campus Activities
  • Multifunction Printer Selection Guidelines
  • Green Information Day
  • Green Event Guidebook
  • Position on Sustainability-conscious Food Consumption in Official Entertainment
  • Phasing out bottled water on campus
  • No straw arrangements at campus catering outlets
  • Greener event practices and requirements on restricting the use of disposables at University events

PolyU introduced a new restriction on the use of disposables at University events in September 2019, aiming to reduce the use of disposables and foster green event practices. For all on-campus events and activities intended for around 200 participants, organisers are not allowed to provide single-use disposable food and beverage containers and cutlery. For events and activities with over 200 expected participants, the University organisers should provide reusable food and beverage containers and cutlery to 50% of the attendees.

The University strictly complies with existing policies and promotes sustainability societally, nationally and globally. Annual environmental and social targets have been established with regular progress reviews. For details of achievements against these targets in 2019/20, please refer to PolyU Achievements and Targets.