Associate Professor |
TU831, Yip Kit Chuen Building | |
Department of Applied Mathematics | |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | |
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong | Tel: (852) 2766-5642 |
Fax: (852) 2362-9045 | |
Email: raymond.sze at polyu.edu.hk | |
¡@ | |
¡@ |
Research Interest: |
Matrix theory, operator theory, quantum computing and quantum information science. | I am seeking Graduate Student (MPhil / PhD) who is interested in working on the above topics, feel free to contact me by email. |
Current Teaching: |
17/18: | AMA1110 Basic Mathematics I - Calcuus and Probability & Statistics (S1) |
AMA2511 Applied Mathematics I (S1) |
AMA2512 Applied Mathematics II (S2) | ||
Past Teaching: |
16/17: | AMA1110 Basic Mathematics I - Calcuus and Probability & Statistics (S1) |
AMA2511 Applied Mathematics I (S1) |
AMA2512 Applied Mathematics II (S2) | ||
15/16: | AMA1110 Basic Mathematics I - Calcuus and Probability & Statistics (S1 & S2) |
AMA2511 Applied Mathematics I (S1) |
AMA2512 Applied Mathematics II (S2) | ||
14/15: | AMA2511 Applied Mathematics I (S1) | AMA1104 Introduction to Probability (S2) |
AMA1103 Introductory Linear Algebra (S2) | AMA2512 Applied Mathematics II (S2) | |
13/14: | AMA2511 Applied Mathematics I (S1) | AMA1103 Introductory Linear Algebra (S2) |
AMA1100 Foundation Mathematics - An Introduction to Algebra and Differential Calculus (S1) |
AMA2512 Applied Mathematics II (S2) | |
12/13: | AMA1151/2151 Applied Mathematics I (S1) | AMA1103 Introductory Linear Algebra (S2) |
AMA1100 Foundation Mathematics - An Introduction to Algebra and Differential Calculus (S2) |
AMA1152/2152 Applied Mathematics II (S2) | |
11/12: | AMA150 Calculus (S1) | AMA141/151 Linear Algebra (S2) |
AMA1151/2151 Applied Mathematics I (S1) | AMA1152/2152 Applied Mathematics II (S2) | |
10/11: | AMA140/150 Calculus (S1) | AMA1152/2152 Applied Mathematics II (S2) |
AMA1151/2151 Applied Mathematics I (S1) | ¡@ | |
09/10: | AMA212 Foundation Mathematics (S1) | AMA203 Mathematics IA (S2) |
AMA280 Mathematics I (S1) | AMA2431 Elementary Calculus (S2) | |
AMA201/227 Mathematics I (S2) | ¡@ |
Qualification: |
2005 |
Ph.D. in Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong |
2002 |
M.Phil. in Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong |
2000 |
Bachelor of Science, The University of Hong Kong |
Professional Positions: |
2017 - Current | Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
2011 - 2017 | Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
2009 - 2011 |
Lecturer, Department of Applied Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
2006 - 2009 |
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of Connecticut |
2006 Spring |
Visiting Scholar, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Auburn University |
2000 - 2005 |
Teaching assistant, Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong |
Publications: (Google Scholar, Scopus, MathSciNet, ORCID, ResearcherID) |
Submitted / In preparation |
60. | Pan-Shun Lau, Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Convexity and star-shapedness of matricial range, submitted. (arXiv) |
Accepted |
Published |
59. | Jianlian Cui, Chi-Kwong Li, and Nung-Sing Sze, Unitary similarity invariant function preservers of skew products of operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 454:716-729, 2017. (Published version, arXiv) |
58. | Jianlian Cui, Chi-Kwong Li, and Nung-Sing Sze, Product of positive semi-definite matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 528:17-24, 2017. (Published version, arXiv) |
57. | Zejun Huang, Shiyu Shi, and Nung-Sing Sze, Linear rank preservers of tensor products of rank one matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 508:255-271, 2016. (Published version, arXiv) |
56. | Chi-Kwong Li, Mikio Nakahara, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Maximal noiseless code rates for collective rotation channels on qudits, Quantum Information Processing, 14:4039-4055, 2015. (Published version, arXiv) |
55. | Zejun Huang, Chi-Kwong Li, Sharon H. Li, and Nung-Sing Sze, Factorization of permutations, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 30:286-303, 2015. (Published version, arXiv) |
54. | Chi-Hang Fred Fung, Hoi-Fung Chau, Chi-Kwong Li,
and Nung-Sing Sze, Solution to time-energy costs of quantum channels, Quantum Information & Computation, 15:685-693, 2015. (Published version, arXiv) |
53. | Jinchuan Hou, Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, Xiaofei
Qi, and Nung-Sing Sze, A New Criterion and a special class of k-positive maps, Linear Algebra Appl., 470:51-69, 2015. (Published version, arXiv) |
52. | Xiaochun Fang, Nung-Sing Sze, and Xiao-Ming Xu, The Cuntz Comparision in the Standard C*-Algebra, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014:1-4, 2014. (Published version) |
51. | Li-Ping Huang, Zejun Huang, Chi-Kwong Li, and Nung-Sing Sze, Graphs associated with matrices over finite fields and their endomorphisms, Linear Algebra Appl., 447:2-25, 2014. (Published version, preprint) |
50. | Ajda Fosner, Zejun Huang, Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung
Poon and Nung-Sing Sze, Linear maps preserving the higher numerical radius of tensor product of matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 62: 776-791, 2014. (Published version, arXiv) |
49. | Utkan Gungordu, Chi-Kwong Li, Mikio Nakahara, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Recursive encoding and decoding of the noiseless subsystem for qudits, Phys. Rev. A, 89:042301, 2014. (Published version, arXiv) |
48. | Chi-Hang Fred Fung, Chi-Kwong Li, Nung-Sing Sze and Hoi-Fung Chau Conditions for degradability of tripartite quantum states, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 47:115306, 2014. (Published version, arXiv) |
47. | Chi-Kwong Li and Nung-Sing Sze, Determinantal and eigenvalue inequalities for matrices with numerical ranges in a sector, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 410:487-491, 2014. (Published version, arXiv) |
46. | Ajda Fosner, Zejun Huang, Chi-Kwong Li, and Nung-Sing Sze, Linear preservers and quantum information science, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 61:1377-1390, 2013. (Published version, arXiv) |
45. | Ajda Fosner, Zejun Huang, Chi-Kwong Li, and Nung-Sing Sze, Linear maps preserving numerical radius of tensor product of matrices, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 407:183-189, 2013. (Published version, arXiv) |
44. | Ajda Fosner, Zejun Huang, Chi-Kwong Li, and Nung-Sing Sze, Linear maps preserving Ky Fan norms and Schatten norms of tensor product of matrices, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis Appl., 34:673-685, 2013. (Published version, arXiv) |
43. | Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Linear preservers of tensor product of unitary orbits, and product numerical range, Linear Algebra Appl., 438:3797-3803, 2013. (Published version, preprint) |
42. | Hoi-Fung Chau, Chi-Hang Fred Fung, Chi-Kwong Li, Edward Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Entanglement transformation between set of bipartite pure quantum states using local operations, J. Math. Phys., 53:122201, 2012. (Published version, arXiv) |
41. | Zejun Huang, Chi-Kwong Li, Edward Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Physical transformations between quantum states, J. Math. Phys., 53:102209, 2012. (Published version, arXiv) |
40. | Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Generalized Interlacing Inequalities, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 60:1245-1254, 2012. (Published version, preprint) |
39. | Man-Duen Choi, Zejun Huang, Chi-Kwong Li, and Nung-Sing Sze, Every invertible matrix is diagonally equivalent to a matrix with distinct eigenvalues, Linear Algebra Appl., 436:3773-3776, 2012. (Published version, preprint) |
38. | Hoi-Fung Chau, Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Induced metric and matrix inequalities on unitary matrices, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 45:095201, 2012. (Published version, arXiv) |
37. | Chi-Kwong Li, Mikio Nakahara, Yiu-Tung Poon, Nung-Sing Sze, and Hiroyuki Tomita, Recovery in quantum error correction for general noise without measurement, Quantum Information & Computation, 12:149-158, 2012. (Published version, arXiv) |
36. | Chi-Kwong Li, Mikio Nakahara, Yiu-Tung Poon, Nung-Sing Sze, and Hiroyuki Tomita, Recursive encoding and decoding of noiseless subsystem and decoherence free subspace, Phys. Rev. A 84:044301, 2011. (Published version, arXiv) |
35. | Chi-Kwong Li, Mikio Nakahara, Yiu-Tung Poon, Nung-Sing Sze, and Hiroyuki Tomita, Efficient quantum error correction for fully correlated noise, Phys. Lett. A, 375:3255-3258, 2011. (Published version, arXiv) |
34. | Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Elliptical range theorems for generalized numerical ranges of quadratic operators, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 41:813-832, 2011. (Published version, preprint) |
33. | Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, A note on the realignment criterion, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 44:315304, 2011. (Published version, arXiv) |
32. | Ajda Fosner, Bojan Kuzma, Timotej Kuzma, and Nung-Sing Sze, Maps preserving matrix pairs with zero Jordan product, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 59:507-529, 2011. (Published version, preprint) |
31. | Shmuel Friedland, Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, The automorphism group of separable states in quantum information theory, J. Math. Phys., 52:042203, 2011. (Published version, arXiv) |
30. | Michael Neumann and Nung-Sing Sze, On the inverse mean first passage matrix problem and the inverse M-matrix problem, Linear Algebra Appl., 434:1620-1630, 2011. (Published version, preprint) |
29. | Hwa-Long Gau, Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Higher rank numerical ranges of normal matrices, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis Appl, 32:23-43, 2011. (Published version, arXiv) |
28. | Virginia Forstall, Aaron Herman, Chi-Kwong Li, Nung-Sing Sze, and Vincent Yannello, Preservers of eigenvalue inclusion sets of matrix products, Linear Algebra Appl., 434:285-293, 2011. (Published version, preprint) |
27. | Minerva Catral, Stephen J. Kirkland, Michael Neumann, and Nung-Sing Sze, The Kemeny constant for finite homogeneous ergodic Markov chains, J. Sci. Comput, 45:151-166, 2010. (Published version, preprint) |
26. | Rong Huang, Jianzhou Liu, and Nung-Sing Sze, Characterizations of inverse M-matrices with special zero patterns, Linear Algebra Appl., 433:994-1000, 2010. (Published version, preprint) |
25. | Sean Clark, Chi-Kwong Li, and Nung-Sing Sze, Multiplicative maps preserving the higher rank numerical ranges and radii, Linear Algebra Appl., 432:2729-2738, 2010. (Published version, preprint) |
24. | Chi-Kwong Li and Edward Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Preservers for norms of Lie product, Operators and Matrices, 3:187-203, 2009. (Published version, preprint) |
23. | Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Condition for the higher rank numerical range to be non-empty, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 57:365-368, 2009. (Published version, preprint, arXiv) |
22. | Jonathan Axtell, Lixing Han, Daniel Hershkowitz, Michael Neumann, and
Nung-Sing Sze, Optimization of the spectral radius of a product for nonnegative matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 430:1442-1451, 2009. (Published version, preprint) |
21. | Stephen J. Kirkland, Michael Neumann, and Nung-Sing Sze, On optimal condition numbers for Markov chains, Numerische Mathematik, 110:521-537, 2008. (Published version, preprint) |
20. | Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Higher rank numerical ranges and low rank perturbations of quantum channels, J. Math. Anal. Appl, 348:843-855, 2008. (Published version, preprint, arXiv) |
19. | Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Davis-Wieland shells of operators, Operators and Matrices, 2:341-355, 2008. (Published version, preprint) |
18. | Chi-Kwong Li and Nung-Sing Sze, Canonical forms, higher rank numerical range, totally isotropic subspaces, and certain matrix equations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 136:3013-3023. 2008. (Published version, preprint, arXiv) |
17. | Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Eigenvalues of the sum of matrices from unitary similarity orbits, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis Appl, 30:560-581, 2008. (Published version, preprint) |
16. | Seok-Zun Song, Kyung-Tae Kang, Leroy B. Beasley, and Nung-Sing Sze, Regular matrices and their strong preservers over semirings, Linear Algebra Appl., 429:209-223, 2008. (Published version, preprint) |
15. | Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Ranks and determinants of the sum of matrices from unitary orbits, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 56:105-130, 2008. (Published version, preprint) |
14. | Michael Neumann and Nung-Sing Sze, A note on the perturbation of positive matrices by normal and unitary matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 248:224-229, 2008. (Published version, preprint) |
13. | Michael Neumann and Nung-Sing Sze, Optimization of the spectral radius of nonnegative matrices, Operators and Matrices, 1:593-601, 2007. (Published version, preprint) |
12. | Chi-Kwong Li, Peter Semrl, and Nung-Sing Sze, Maps preserving the nilpotency of products of operators, Linear Algebra Appl., 424:229--239, 2007. (Published version, preprint) |
11. | Jor-Ting Chan, Chi-Kwong Li, and Nung-Sing Sze, Mappings preserving spectra of product of matrices, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 135:977--986, 2007. (Published version, preprint) |
10. | Chi-Kwong Li and Nung-Sing Sze, Products of operators and numerical range preserving maps, Studia Math., 174:169--182, 2006. (Published version, preprint) |
9. | Jor-Ting Chan, Chi-Kwong Li, and Nung-Sing Sze, Mappings on matrices: Invariance of functional values of matrix products, J. of Aust. Math. Soc., 81:165--184, 2006. (Published version, preprint) |
8. | Gorazd Lesnjak and Nung-Sing Sze, On injective Jordan semi-triple maps of matrix algebras, Linear Algebra Appl., 414:383--388, 2006. (Published version, preprint) |
7. | Xian Zhang and Nung-Sing Sze, Additive rank-one preserver between spaces of rectangular matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 53:417--426, 2005. (Published version, preprint) |
6. | Michael Alwill, Chi-Kwong Li, Christina Maher, and Nung-Sing
Sze, Automorphisms of certain groups and semigroups of matrices, Linear Algebra Appl. 412:490--525, 2005. (Published version, preprint) |
5. | Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Linear maps transforming the higher numerical ranges, Linear Algebra Appl. 400:291--312, 2005. (Published version, preprint) |
4. | Jor-Ting Chan, Chi-Kwong Li, and Nung-Sing Sze, Isometries for unitarily invariant norms, Linear Algebra Appl. 399:53--70, 2005. (Published version, preprint) |
3. | Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Nung-Sing Sze, Isometries for Ky Fan norms between matrix spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133:369--377, 2005. (Published version, preprint) |
2. | Chi-Kwong Li and Nung-Sing Sze, Inclusion regions for numerical ranges and linear preservers, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 52:235--249, 2004. (Published version, preprint) |
1. | Chi-Kwong Li and Nung-Sing Sze, Linear operators transforming H-unitary matrices, Linear Algebra Appl. 377:111--124, 2004. (Published version, preprint) |
Editorial Work: |
¡@ | Member of Editorial Board, Linear and Multilinear Algebra |
Workshops on Quantum Information Science: |
¡@ | 1st Workshop on Quantum Information Sceince @ HKU (January 7-8, 2010) |
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Hong Kong Workshop on Quantum Information and Foundations @ HKU (May 4-7, 2016) |
Last update:03/11/2017